from gpsClass import GpsPoller from webcam import Webcam from barometer import Barometer from cellDongle import CellDongle import time import sys import time import socket import os import math import subprocess GROUND_ELEVATION = 346 #m REMOTE_SERVER = "" SERVER_HOST = "johnyburd@" def main(): print("Initializing Equipment") print print("3g... ") data = CellDongle() print("Status: " + data.detected()) print print("GPS... ") print("Starting daemon...") ## actually happens in gpsp = GpsPoller("localhost","99", "/dev/ttyUSBgps") gpsp.start() print print("PiCamera webcam...") cam1 = Webcam('picamera',"1920x1080") print("status: " + cam1.status()) print print("Generic webcam..") cam2 = Webcam('/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Generic_FULL_HD_1080P_Webcam_200901010001-video-index0',"1920x1080") print("status: " + cam2.status()) print print("Barometer... ") bar1 = Barometer() print notTriggered = True while True: altitude = 0 try: altitude = gpsp.get_altitude() except: try: altitude = bar1.getAlt() except: print("Neither GPS nor barometer can give altitude. Assuming device is on the ground.") try: if math.isnan(altitude): altitude = int(0) except: pass print("altitude: " + str(altitude)) for i in xrange(3): record_gps(gpsp) print record_barometer(bar1) print time.sleep(3) print("Webcam 1 picture...") #cam1.take_pic() print(cam1.status()) print("Webcam 2 picture...") #cam2.take_pic() print(cam2.status()) time.sleep(5) if (altitude < 3048 + GROUND_ELEVATION): #10000ft in m if (not is_connected()): try: data.connect() print("Connection successful: " + str(is_connected())) print(str(data.ip_addr())) except: print("Could not connect because of an error") if (is_connected()): print("Connected to the internet") print try: retval = os.system("scp /home/pi/balloon/*.txt " + SERVER_HOST + ":.") if retval == 0: print("Copied txt files") else: print("Error copying files") except: print("Double error copying files") if (altitude < 150 + GROUND_ELEVATION and notTriggered): try: print("Attempting to beam home the first few pictures") retval = os.system("scp /home/pi/balloon/*.jpg " + SERVER_HOST + ":. && mv /home/pi/balloon/*jpg /home/pi") except: print("uh oh, something went wrong already?") else: notTriggered = False def is_connected(): try: # see if we can resolve the host name -- tells us if there is # a DNS listening host = socket.gethostbyname(REMOTE_SERVER) # connect to the host -- tells us if the host is actually # reachable s = socket.create_connection((host, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False def record_gps(gpsp): try: print gpsp.getDMS() print gpsp.test() except NameError: print("GPS missing connection") gpsp.update_daemon() except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("GPS Error:") print e gpsp.update_daemon() def record_barometer(bar1): try: print("temp *C " + bar1.getTempC()) print("temp *F " + bar1.getTempF()) print("pressure alt: {0:0.2f} m".format(bar1.getAlt())) print("pressure: {0:0.2f} pa".format(bar1.getPressure())) # print("sea level pressure " + bar1.getSeaLevelPressure()) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Barometer Error: ") print e if __name__ == "__main__": main()