This is a simple HOWTO to allow any program in Linux to resolve Onion addresses seamlessly, without proxy settings. I have been running this for over a year, and currently 10 HS nodes. This, however, is EXPERIMENTAL. The reason for this, is I wanted to run Node-Red and other applications and send data via Tor, while still being able to communicate with my Node-Red instance locally. Other programs I also use don't always have settings to add Proxy settings. Using this modification, using the local proxy is no longer needed, as the underlying resolver does that for you. Hazards: Standard IP queries go through the standard network. In other words, if something in [key].onion calls to, the call to google goes through your NON-Tor link. DNS is also similarly NOT PROTECTED, unless you are using a [dns server].onion , and put that in your resolver. To get started, Get the following packages (Ubuntu, Debian): sudo apt-get install tor iptables dnsmasq dnsutils Add the following to the /etc/tor/torrc file: VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4 AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 TransPort 9040 DNSPort 53 DNSListenAddress Now, restart Tor: sudo service tor restart Edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and add the following: listen-address= resolv-file=/etc/realresolv.conf server=/onion/ Make a new file, called /etc/realresolv.conf . Add this in the file: nameserver (or whatever DNS server you choose) Restart DNSmasq: sudo service dnsmasq restart Run the IPtables firewall update for redirection sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040 Also, this script must be run at every boot, so add this in /etc/rc.local, ABOVE the "exit 0" /sbin/iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040