import board import displayio import adafruit_imageload from displayio import Palette from adafruit_display_text import label import terminalio from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger import time # Direction constants for comparison UP = 0 DOWN = 1 RIGHT = 2 LEFT = 3 MOVING_DIRECTION = -1 HIDE_SPLASH_TIME = -1 LAST_BOOT_MOVE_DICT = {} # how long to wait between rendering frames FPS_DELAY = 1/60 # how many tiles can fit on thes screen. Tiles are 16x16 SCREEN_HEIGHT_TILES = 8 SCREEN_WIDTH_TILES = 10 MAP_LIST = [ "map.csv" ] CUR_MAP_INDEX = 0 MAP_HEIGHT = 0 MAP_WIDTH = 0 # hold the map state as it came out of the csv. Only holds non-entities. ORIGINAL_MAP = {} # hold the current map state if/when it changes. Only holds non-entities. CURRENT_MAP = {} # dictionary with tuple keys that map to tile type values # e.x. {(0,0): "left_wall", (1,1): "floor"} CAMERA_VIEW = {} # how far offset the camera is from the CURRENT_MAP # used to determine where things are at in the camera view vs. the MAP CAMERA_OFFSET_X = 0 CAMERA_OFFSET_Y = 0 # list of sprite objects, one for each entity ENTITY_SPRITES = [] # Dictionary with touple keys that map to lists of entity objects. # Each one has the index of the sprite in the ENTITY_SPRITES list # and the tile type string ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT = {} # list of entities that need to be on the screen currently based on the camera view NEED_TO_DRAW_ENTITIES = [] # hold the location of the player in tile coordinates PLAYER_LOC = (0,0) # hold the location of the spawn point for current map SPAWN_LOC = (0,0) INVENTORY = [] MAP_DOOR_COUNT = 0 NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS = [] # return from CURRENT_MAP the tile name of the tile of the given coords def get_tile(coords): return CURRENT_MAP[coords[0], coords[1]] # return from TILES dict the tile object with stats and behavior for the tile at the given coords. def get_tile_obj(coords): return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[coords[0], coords[1]]] # check the can_walk property of the tile at the given coordinates def is_tile_moveable(tile_coords): return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_coords[0], tile_coords[1]]]['can_walk'] def take_item(to_coords, from_coords, entity_obj): print(entity_obj) INVENTORY.append(entity_obj["map_tile_name"]) ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords].remove(entity_obj) if len(ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords]) == 0: del ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords] if (-1,-1) in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT: ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[-1,-1].append(entity_obj) else: ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[-1,-1] = [entity_obj] return True; def door_walk(to_coords, from_coords, entity_obj): global PLAYER_LOC, ENTITY_SPRITES, ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT global MAP_DOOR_COUNT, CUR_MAP_INDEX print("moving player") print(SPAWN_LOC) PLAYER_LOC = to_coords draw_player() time.sleep(0.3) print("changing to closed door") ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords][0]['map_tile_name'] = "green_door_closed" entity_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette, width = 1, height = 1, tile_width = 16, tile_height = 16, default_tile = TILES["green_door_closed"]['sprite_index']) sprite_group.remove(ENTITY_SPRITES[entity_obj["entity_sprite_index"]]) sprite_group.insert(entity_obj["entity_sprite_index"], entity_sprite) ENTITY_SPRITES[entity_obj["entity_sprite_index"]] = entity_sprite PLAYER_LOC = SPAWN_LOC draw_player() MAP_DOOR_COUNT -= 1 if MAP_DOOR_COUNT == 0: # you win text_area.text = "You Win\n =D" text_area.y = int(128/2 - 30) group.append(splash) time.sleep(2) group.remove(splash) CUR_MAP_INDEX += 1 if CUR_MAP_INDEX >= len(MAP_LIST): CUR_MAP_INDEX = 0 load_map(MAP_LIST[CUR_MAP_INDEX]) return False def heart_walk(to_coords, from_coords, entity_obj): global PLAYER_LOC, CUR_MAP_INDEX print("inside heart_walk") print("%s -> %s" % (from_coords, to_coords)) # you win text_area.text = "You Win\n =D" text_area.y = int(128/2 - 30) group.append(splash) time.sleep(2) group.remove(splash) CUR_MAP_INDEX += 1 if CUR_MAP_INDEX >= len(MAP_LIST): CUR_MAP_INDEX = 0 load_map(MAP_LIST[CUR_MAP_INDEX]) def move_boots(now): global LAST_BOOT_MOVE_DICT #ignore_locs = {} new_last_moved_times = {} #print("inside move_boots()") for loc in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): for entity_obj in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[loc]: if "boot" in entity_obj['map_tile_name']: if LAST_BOOT_MOVE_DICT[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]] + TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['delay'] <= now: #if loc not in ignore_locs: if "movement" in TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]].keys(): #print("possible loc %s" % (loc[0] + 1)) if loc[0] + TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['movement'] >= MAP_WIDTH: new_loc = 0 elif loc[0] + TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['movement'] < 0: new_loc = MAP_WIDTH-1 else: new_loc = loc[0] + TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['movement'] else: if loc[0] + 1 < MAP_WIDTH: new_loc = loc[0] + 1 else: new_loc = 0 #print("moving boot %s -> %s" % (loc, (new_loc, loc[1]))) #if (new_loc, loc[1]) in ignore_locs: # ignore_locs[(new_loc, loc[1])] += 1 #else: # ignore_locs[(new_loc, loc[1])] = 1 remove_entity(entity_obj, loc) future_spawn_obj = { "entity_obj": entity_obj, "loc": (new_loc, loc[1]), "time": now + 0.25 } NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS.append(future_spawn_obj) #else: #ignore_locs[loc] -= 1 #print("ignoring boot, new count: %s" % ignore_locs[loc]) #if ignore_locs[loc] == 0: #del ignore_locs[loc] new_last_moved_times[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]] = now for tile_name in new_last_moved_times.keys(): LAST_BOOT_MOVE_DICT[tile_name] = new_last_moved_times[tile_name] def check_future_spawns(now): for future_spawn_obj in NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS: if now > future_spawn_obj['time']: add_entity(future_spawn_obj['entity_obj'], future_spawn_obj['loc']) NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS.remove(future_spawn_obj) def check_collide(): if PLAYER_LOC in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): #print(ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[PLAYER_LOC]) sprites_at_loc = ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[PLAYER_LOC] for sprite in sprites_at_loc: if "boot" in sprite['map_tile_name']: time.sleep(0.5) text_area.text = "Game Over\nSnek has been\nstep on" text_area.y = int(128/2 - 30) group.append(splash) time.sleep(2) group.remove(splash) load_map(MAP_LIST[CUR_MAP_INDEX]) def add_entity(entity_obj, to_loc): global ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT # check if there are etity(s) at the tile we are trying to push to. if to_loc in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT: # append the thing we are pushing to the the list at the new coordinates in the dictionary ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_loc].append(entity_obj) else: # create a list with the thing we are pushing and store it in the dictionary ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_loc] = [entity_obj] def remove_entity(entity_obj, from_loc): global ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT # remove the thing we are pushing from it's old location ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[from_loc].remove(entity_obj) # if there are no entities left in the old location if len(ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[from_loc]) == 0: # delete the empty lyst del ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[from_loc] # main dictionary that maps tile type strings to objects. # each one stores the sprite_sheet index and any necessary # behavioral stats like can_walk or before_move TILES = { # empty strings default to floor and no walk. "": { "sprite_index": 52, "can_walk": False }, "empty": { "sprite_index": 52, "can_walk": False }, "sidewalk": { "sprite_index": 19, "can_walk": True }, "boot": { "sprite_index": 21, "can_walk": True, "entity":True, "delay": 1.2 }, "boot_flip_flop": { "sprite_index": 22, "can_walk": True, "entity":True, "delay": 1.5 }, "boot_converse": { "sprite_index": 23, "can_walk": True, "entity":True, "movement": -1, "delay": 0.9 }, "paper_box": { "sprite_index": 24, "can_walk": False, "entity": True, }, "vendor": { "sprite_index": 8, "can_walk": False, "entity": True, }, "transit_kiosk": { "sprite_index": 0, "can_walk": False, "entity": True, }, "vendor_umbrella": { "sprite_index": 2, "can_walk": False, "entity": False, }, "heart": { "sprite_index": 50, "can_walk": True, "entity": True, "before_move": heart_walk }, "player": { "sprite_index": 48, "entity": True, }, "grey_right_wall": { "sprite_index": 47, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_front_wall": { "sprite_index": 46, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_left_wall": { "sprite_index": 45, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_right_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 41, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_front_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 40, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_left_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 39, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_right_roof": { "sprite_index": 35, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_front_roof": { "sprite_index": 34, "can_walk": False, }, "grey_left_roof": { "sprite_index": 33, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_right_wall": { "sprite_index": 44, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_front_wall": { "sprite_index": 43, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_left_wall": { "sprite_index": 42, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_right_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 38, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_front_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 37, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_left_top_edge": { "sprite_index": 36, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_right_roof": { "sprite_index": 32, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_front_roof": { "sprite_index": 31, "can_walk": False, }, "brick_left_roof": { "sprite_index": 30, "can_walk": False, }, "green_door_closed": { "sprite_index": 29, "can_walk": False, "entity": True, }, "green_door_open": { "sprite_index": 28, "entity": True, "before_move": door_walk } } for tile_name in TILES.keys(): if "boot" in tile_name: LAST_BOOT_MOVE_DICT[tile_name] = 0 # Badger object for easy button handling badger = PyBadger() # display object variable display = board.DISPLAY # Load the sprite sheet (bitmap) sprite_sheet, palette = adafruit_imageload.load("/no_step_snek_sprite_sheet.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) # make bright pink be transparent so entities can be drawn on top of map tiles palette.make_transparent(0) # Create the castle TileGrid castle = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette, width = 10, height = 8, tile_width = 16, tile_height = 16) # Create a Group to hold the castle and add it castle_group = displayio.Group() castle_group.append(castle) sprite_group = displayio.Group(max_size=64) # Create a Group to hold the sprite and castle group = displayio.Group() # Add the sprite and castle to the group group.append(castle_group) # Make the display context splash = displayio.Group(max_size=10) # Draw a green background color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(160, 128, 1) color_palette = displayio.Palette(1) color_palette[0] = 0x000077 bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap, pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0) splash.append(bg_sprite) # Draw a smaller inner rectangle inner_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(160-30, 128-30, 1) inner_palette = displayio.Palette(1) inner_palette[0] = 0xAA0088 # Purple inner_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(inner_bitmap, pixel_shader=inner_palette, x=15, y=15) splash.append(inner_sprite) # Draw a label text_group = displayio.Group(max_size=64, scale=1, x=24, y=24) text = "Game Over" text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=" "*64, color=0xFFFF00) text_area.text = text text_group.append(text_area) # Subgroup for text scaling splash.append(text_group) sprite = None #group.append(splash) def load_map(file_name): global sprite, ORIGINAL_MAP, CURRENT_MAP, ENTITY_SPRITES global ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT, INVENTORY, PLAYER_LOC, sprite_group global CAMERA_VIEW, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH global group, NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS, SPAWN_LOC global MAP_DOOR_COUNT for cur_s in ENTITY_SPRITES: sprite_group.remove(cur_s) try: sprite_group.remove(sprite) except: pass ORIGINAL_MAP = {} CURRENT_MAP = {} ENTITY_SPRITES = [] ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT = {} NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS = [] NEED_TO_SPAWN_BOOTS = [] CAMERA_VIEW = {} INVENTORY = [] MAP_DOOR_COUNT = 0 # Open and read raw string from the map csv file f = open(file_name, 'r') map_csv_str = f.close() # split the raw string into lines map_csv_lines = map_csv_str.replace("\r", "").split("\n") # if the last row is empty then remove it if len(map_csv_lines[-1]) == 0: del map_csv_lines[-1] # set the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables. # this assumes the map is rectangular. MAP_HEIGHT = len(map_csv_lines) MAP_WIDTH = len(map_csv_lines[0].split(",")) #print(TILES.keys()) #print(map_csv_lines) # loop over each line storing index in y variable for y, line in enumerate(map_csv_lines): # ignore empty line if line != "": # loop over each tile type separated by commas, storing index in x variable for x, tile_name in enumerate(line.split(",")): print("%s '%s'" % (len(tile_name), str(tile_name))) # if the tile exists in our main dictionary if tile_name in TILES.keys(): # if the tile is an entity if 'entity' in TILES[tile_name].keys() and TILES[tile_name]['entity']: if tile_name == "chip": MAP_CHIP_COUNT += 1 # set the map tiles to floor ORIGINAL_MAP[x,y] = "sidewalk" CURRENT_MAP[x,y] = "sidewalk" # if it's the player if tile_name == "player": # Create the sprite TileGrid sprite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette, width = 1, height = 1, tile_width = 16, tile_height = 16, default_tile = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index']) # set the position of sprite on screen sprite.x = x*16 sprite.y = y*16 # set position in x,y tile coords for reference later PLAYER_LOC = (x,y) SPAWN_LOC = (x,y) # add sprite to the group sprite_group.append(sprite) else: # not the player if tile_name.endswith("door_open"): MAP_DOOR_COUNT += 1 # Create the sprite TileGrid entity_srite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette, width = 1, height = 1, tile_width = 16, tile_height = 16, default_tile = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index']) # set the position of sprite on screen # default to offscreen entity_srite.x = -16 entity_srite.y = -16 # add the sprite object to ENTITY_SPRITES list ENTITY_SPRITES.append(entity_srite) #print("setting entity_sprites_dict[%s,%s]" % (x,y)) # create an entity obj entity_obj = { "entity_sprite_index": len(ENTITY_SPRITES) - 1, "map_tile_name": tile_name } # if there are no entities at this location yet if (x,y) not in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT: # create a list and add it to the dictionary at the x,y location ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x, y] = [entity_obj] else: # append the entity to the existing list in the dictionary ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x, y].append(entity_obj) else: # tile is not entity # set the tile_name into MAP dictionaries ORIGINAL_MAP[x, y] = tile_name CURRENT_MAP[x, y] = tile_name else: # tile type wasn't found in dict print("tile: %s not found in TILES dict" % tile_name) # add all entity sprites to the group for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES: sprite_group.append(entity) # Add the Group to the Display load_map(MAP_LIST[CUR_MAP_INDEX]) group.append(sprite_group) # variables to store previous value of button state prev_up = False prev_down = False prev_left = False prev_right = False prev_b = False prev_a = False prev_start = False prev_select = False # helper function returns true if player is allowed to move given direction # based on can_walk property of the tiles next to the player def can_player_move(direction): if direction == UP: if PLAYER_LOC[1] - 1 < 0: return False tile_above_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0], PLAYER_LOC[1] - 1) result = TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_above_coords[0], tile_above_coords[1]]]['can_walk'] if not result: return result if tile_above_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[tile_above_coords]: if "can_walk" in TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]: if TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]["can_walk"] == False: return False return result if direction == DOWN: print("%s - %s" % (PLAYER_LOC[1] + 1, MAP_HEIGHT-1)) if PLAYER_LOC[1] + 1 > MAP_HEIGHT-1: return False tile_below_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0], PLAYER_LOC[1] + 1) result = TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_below_coords[0], tile_below_coords[1]]]['can_walk'] if not result: return result if tile_below_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[tile_below_coords]: if "can_walk" in TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]: if TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]["can_walk"] == False: return False return result if direction == LEFT: if PLAYER_LOC[0]-1 < 0: return False tile_left_of_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0]-1, PLAYER_LOC[1]) result = TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_left_of_coords[0], tile_left_of_coords[1]]]['can_walk'] if not result: return result if tile_left_of_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[tile_left_of_coords]: if "can_walk" in TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]: if TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]["can_walk"] == False: return False return result if direction == RIGHT: if PLAYER_LOC[0]+1 > MAP_WIDTH -1: return False tile_right_of_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0] + 1, PLAYER_LOC[1]) result = TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_right_of_coords[0], tile_right_of_coords[1]]]['can_walk'] if not result: return result if tile_right_of_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT.keys(): for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[tile_right_of_coords]: if "can_walk" in TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]: if TILES[entity['map_tile_name']]["can_walk"] == False: return False return result # set the appropriate tiles into the CAMERA_VIEW dictionary # based on given starting coords and size def set_camera_view(startX, startY, width, height): global CAMERA_OFFSET_X global CAMERA_OFFSET_Y # set the offset variables for use in other parts of the code CAMERA_OFFSET_X = startX CAMERA_OFFSET_Y = startY # loop over the rows and indexes in the desired size section for y_index, y in enumerate(range(startY, startY+height)): # loop over columns and indexes in the desired size section for x_index, x in enumerate(range(startX, startX+width)): #print("setting camera_view[%s,%s]" % (x_index,y_index)) try: # set the tile at the current coordinate of the MAP into the CAMERA_VIEW CAMERA_VIEW[x_index,y_index] = CURRENT_MAP[x,y] except KeyError: # if coordinate is out of bounds set it to empty by default CAMERA_VIEW[x_index,y_index] = "empty" def move_player(x_offset, y_offset): global PLAYER_LOC # variable to store if player is allowed to move can_move = False # coordinates the player is moving to moving_to_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0] + x_offset, PLAYER_LOC[1] + y_offset) # tile name of the spot player is moving to moving_to_tile_name = CURRENT_MAP[moving_to_coords[0], moving_to_coords[1]] print("moving to %s checking before_move" % moving_to_tile_name ) # if there are entity(s) at spot the player is moving to if moving_to_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT: print("found entity(s) where we are moving to") # loop over all entities at the location player is moving to for entity_obj in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[moving_to_coords]: print("checking entity %s" % entity_obj["map_tile_name"]) # if the entity has a before_move behavior function if "before_move" in TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]].keys(): print("calling before_move %s, %s, %s" % (moving_to_coords,PLAYER_LOC,entity_obj)) # call the before_move behavior function act upon it's result if TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['before_move'](moving_to_coords,PLAYER_LOC,entity_obj): # all the movement if it returned true can_move = True else: # pass and don't allow movement if it returned false pass else: # entity does not have a before_move function # allow movement can_move = True else: # no entities at the location player is moving to # check if the tile has a before_move behavior function if "before_move" in TILES[moving_to_tile_name].keys(): if TILES[moving_to_tile_name]['before_move'](moving_to_coords,PLAYER_LOC, moving_to_tile_name): # allow the movement if it returned true can_move = True else: # break and don't allow movement if it returned false pass else: can_move = True # if player is allowed to move if can_move: print("Player is allowed to move, changing coords") # set the player loc variable to the new coords PLAYER_LOC = moving_to_coords else: print("Player is not allowed to move") def draw_player(): #print("inside draw player") player_screen_x = PLAYER_LOC[0] - CAMERA_OFFSET_X player_screen_y = PLAYER_LOC[1] - CAMERA_OFFSET_Y #print("setting player loc %s, %s" % (player_screen_x, player_screen_y)) sprite.x = player_screen_x*16 sprite.y = player_screen_y*16 # draw the current CAMERA_VIEW dictionary and the ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT def draw_camera_view(): # list that will hold all entities that have been drawn based on their MAP location # any entities not in this list should get moved off the screen drew_entities = [] #print(CAMERA_VIEW) # loop over y tile coordinates for y in range(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT_TILES): # loop over x tile coordinates for x in range(0, SCREEN_WIDTH_TILES): # tile name at this location tile_name = CAMERA_VIEW[x,y] # if tile exists in the main dictionary if tile_name in TILES.keys(): # if there are entity(s) at this location if (x + CAMERA_OFFSET_X, y + CAMERA_OFFSET_Y) in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT: # default background for entities is floor #castle[x, y] = TILES["sidewalk"]['sprite_index'] castle[x, y] = TILES[ORIGINAL_MAP[x + CAMERA_OFFSET_X,y+ CAMERA_OFFSET_Y]]['sprite_index'] # if it's not the player if tile_name != "player": # loop over all entities at this location for entity_obj_at_tile in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x + CAMERA_OFFSET_X, y + CAMERA_OFFSET_Y]: # set appropriate x,y screen coordinates based on tile coordinates ENTITY_SPRITES[int(entity_obj_at_tile["entity_sprite_index"])].x = x * 16 ENTITY_SPRITES[int(entity_obj_at_tile["entity_sprite_index"])].y = y * 16 # add the index of the entity sprite to the drew_entities list so we know not to hide it later. drew_entities.append(entity_obj_at_tile["entity_sprite_index"]) else: # no entities at this location # set the sprite index of this tile into the CASTLE dictionary #print(TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index']) castle[x, y] = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index'] else: # tile type not found in main dictionary # default to floor tile castle[x, y] = TILES["sidewalk"]['sprite_index'] # if the player is at this x,y tile coordinate accounting for camera offset if PLAYER_LOC == ((x + CAMERA_OFFSET_X, y + CAMERA_OFFSET_Y)): # set player sprite screen coordinates sprite.x = x*16 sprite.y = y*16 # loop over all entity sprites for index in range(0, len(ENTITY_SPRITES)): # if the sprite wasn't drawn then it's outside the camera view if index not in drew_entities: # hide the sprite by moving it off screen ENTITY_SPRITES[index].x = int(-16) ENTITY_SPRITES[index].y = int(-16) # variable to store timestamp of last drawn frame last_update_time = 0 # variables to store movement offset values x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 # main loop while True: # auto dim the screen #badger.auto_dim_display(delay=10, check_buttons=True) # set the current button values into variables cur_up = badger.button.up cur_down = badger.button.down cur_right = badger.button.right cur_left = badger.button.left cur_a = badger.button.a cur_b = badger.button.b cur_start = badger.button.start cur_select = # check for up button press / release if not cur_start and prev_start: text_area.text = "Press B\nto Restart" text_area.y = int(128/2 - 30) group.append(splash) HIDE_SPLASH_TIME = now + 3 if not cur_b and prev_b: if HIDE_SPLASH_TIME > now: if text_area.text == "Press B\nto Restart": HIDE_SPLASH_TIME = -1 group.remove(splash) load_map(MAP_LIST[CUR_MAP_INDEX]) # check for up button press / release if not cur_up and prev_up: if can_player_move(UP): x_offset = 0 y_offset = - 1 # check for down button press / release if not cur_down and prev_down: if can_player_move(DOWN): x_offset = 0 y_offset = 1 # check for right button press / release if not cur_right and prev_right: if can_player_move(RIGHT): x_offset = 1 y_offset = 0 # check for left button press / release if not cur_left and prev_left: if can_player_move(LEFT): print("can_move left") x_offset = -1 y_offset = 0 # if any offset is not zero then we need to process player movement if x_offset != 0 or y_offset != 0: move_player(x_offset, y_offset) # reset movement offset variables y_offset = 0 x_offset = 0 # set previos button values for next iteration prev_up = cur_up prev_down = cur_down prev_right = cur_right prev_left = cur_left prev_select = cur_select prev_start = cur_start prev_a = cur_a prev_b = cur_b # current time now = time.monotonic() # if it has been long enough based on FPS delay if now > last_update_time + FPS_DELAY: move_boots(now) check_future_spawns(now) set_camera_view( max(min(PLAYER_LOC[0]-4,MAP_WIDTH-SCREEN_WIDTH_TILES),0), max(min(PLAYER_LOC[1]-3,MAP_HEIGHT-SCREEN_HEIGHT_TILES),0), 10, 8 ) # draw the camera draw_camera_view() # check for collisions after drawing so player can see the collision check_collide() # store the last update time last_update_time = now if HIDE_SPLASH_TIME != -1: if HIDE_SPLASH_TIME < now: group.remove(splash) HIDE_SPLASH_TIME = -1