import math import numpy import scipy import e_series from ltiarithmetic import Z_R, Z_C, Z_L, TransferFunction import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def transfer_plot(system): freq = numpy.logspace(1,6,30 * 6)'dark_background') fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) fig.set_size_inches(10,6.18) fig.set_dpi(150) tau = 2 * math.pi w, mag, phase = system.bode(tau * freq) ax.set_xlabel("frequency (Hz)") ax.set_ylabel("gain (dB)") h1, = ax.semilogx(w/tau, mag, label="gain") ax.grid(True, which="both", axis="x", color="xkcd:dark grey") phase_ax = ax.twinx() phase_ax.set_ylabel("phase (deg)") h2, = phase_ax.semilogx(w/tau, phase, linestyle="dashed", label="phase") plt.legend(handles=[h1, h2], loc="upper right") return fig # LM5155 error amplifier characteristics g_m = 2e-3 # S G_comp = 0.142 # LM5155 current mode characteristics V_sl = 40e-3 # V I_sl = 30e-6 # A V_fb = 1. # V # Design parameters V = 170. # V V_g = 9 # V f_s = 120e3 # Hz L = 10e-6 # H n = 10. R_f = 33e-3 # Ohm C = 2*220e-9 # F R_sl = 0. # Ohm I_out = 30e-3 # A # Desired crossover frequency and phase margin f_c = 12e3 # Hz p_m = 60. # degrees R = V/I_out # Ohm # Current mode slopes (A/s) M_a = (V_sl + I_sl*R_sl)*f_s/R_f M_1 = V_g/L # Find best resistive divider max_error = math.inf for r1 in e_series.e96_values: r1 *= 10**6 r2 = e_series.e96(r1 / (V - V_fb)) error = abs(r2/(r1 + r2) - V_fb/V) if error < max_error: max_error = error R_1, R_2 = r1, r2 # G_vc: control to output gain Gc0 = math.sqrt(2*L*f_s/R)*1/(1 + M_a/M_1)*R/2 wp = 2/(R*C) G_vc = Gc0 * TransferFunction([1], [1/wp, 1]) # H: resistive divider sensor gain H = R_2 / (R_1 + R_2) # T_u: Uncompensated loop gain T_u = H * G_comp * 1/R_f * G_vc # Find uncompensated gain at desired crossover and get starting point for R_c _, [T_u_f_c] = T_u.freqresp([2 * math.pi * f_c]) gain_f_c_u = numpy.abs(T_u_f_c) R_c_0 = 1/(g_m * gain_f_c_u) # Get starting point for C_c1 phase_f_c_u = numpy.angle(T_u_f_c, deg=True) required_phase_adj = (p_m - 180.) - phase_f_c_u f_z = f_c * math.exp(math.pi/2 * required_phase_adj/45) C_c1_0 = 1/(2 * math.pi * f_z * R_c_0) def par(*args): return 1/sum(map(lambda x: 1/x, args)) # Optimize for gain=1 and desired phase margin at crossover frequency f_c def loop_system(x, f, margin): r_c, c_c1 = x G_c = g_m * (Z_R(r_c) + Z_C(c_c1)) system = H * G_c * G_comp * 1/R_f * G_vc _, [resp] = system.freqresp([2 * math.pi * f]) gain = numpy.abs(resp) phase_margin = 180 + numpy.angle(resp, deg=True) return (gain - 1, phase_margin - margin) [R_c, C_c1] = scipy.optimize.fsolve( loop_system, [R_c_0, C_c1_0], (f_c, p_m) ) print("DCM flyback type II OTA compensator") print(f"Initial estimate: R_c_0 = {R_c_0:.2g} Ω, C_c1_0 = {C_c1_0:.2g} F") print( f"Compensation network for crossover at {f_c:g} Hz with {p_m:g}°" f" phase margin: R_c = {R_c:g} Ω, C_c1 = {C_c1:g} F" ) R_c = e_series.e24(R_c) C_c1 = e_series.e6(C_c1) # G_c: compensated error amplifier gain G_c = g_m * (Z_R(R_c) + Z_C(C_c1)) # T: compensated loop gain T = H * G_c * G_comp * 1/R_f * G_vc def system_crossover(f, system): _, [resp] = system.freqresp([2 * math.pi * f]) return numpy.abs(resp) - 1 [crossover] = scipy.optimize.fsolve(system_crossover, f_c, T) _, [T_crossover] = T.freqresp([2 * math.pi * crossover]) phase_margin = numpy.angle(T_crossover, deg=True) + 180. print(f"Component values: R_c = {R_c:.2g} Ω, C_c1 = {C_c1:.2g} F") print(f"Crossover at {crossover:.2g} Hz, phase margin: {phase_margin:.2g}°") transfer_plot(G_c).suptitle("Compensator frequency response") transfer_plot(T).suptitle("Loop frequency response")