from __future__ import print_function # TODO move all defs to the top of the file, out of the way of the flow of execution. # TODO full python3 support will involve installing the adafruit drivers, not using the ones from the repo import traceback import argparse import robot_util import os.path import networking import time import schedule import sys import watchdog import logging import logging.handlers import json import atexit if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): import importlib import _thread as thread else: import thread # borrowed unregister function from # def unregister(func, *targs, **kargs): """unregister a function previously registered with atexit. use exactly the same aguments used for before register. """ for i in range(0,len(atexit._exithandlers)): if (func, targs, kargs) == atexit._exithandlers[i] : del atexit._exithandlers[i] return True return False atexit.unregister = unregister from threading import Timer # fail gracefully if configparser is not installed try: from configparser import ConfigParser robot_config = ConfigParser() except ImportError: print("Missing configparser module (python -m pip install configparser)") sys.exit() try: with open('controller.conf', 'r') as fp: robot_config.readfp(fp) except IOError: print("unable to read controller.conf, please check that you have copied controller.sample.conf to controller.conf and modified it appropriately.") sys.exit() except: print ("Error in controller.conf:", sys.exc_info()[0]) sys.exit() def write(self, config_file): sections = 0 keys = 0 errors = 0 keys_in = 0 sections_in = 0 # count sections and keys in config for section in self.sections(): sections_in += 1 for option in self[section]: keys_in += 1 # read the existing config file with open(config_file, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() # parse the config file line by line and update any keys found for count, line in enumerate(lines): temp_line = line.lstrip(' \t') if temp_line[0] == '#' or temp_line[0] == ';': continue # comment elif temp_line[0] == '[': section = temp_line.find(']') if sections == -1: errors += 1 log.error("ERROR: Unable parse line {} of config as [section] header : '{}'".format(count, line.rstrip('\r\n'))) else: sections+=1 section = temp_line[1:section] elif temp_line[0] == '\r' or temp_line[0] == '\n': continue # blank line else: key = temp_line.find('=') if key == -1: errors += 1 log.error("ERROR: Unable parse line {} of config as key=value pair : '{}'".format(count, line.rstrip('\r\n'))) else: keys += 1 key = temp_line[0:key] key = key.strip() value = robot_config.get(section, key) lines[count] = '{}={}\n'.format(key, value) if sections != sections_in: log.error("ERROR: {} sections in file, {} in object".format(sections, sections_in)) if keys != keys_in: log.error("ERROR: {} keys in file, {} in object".format(keys, keys_in)) # delete the existing config backup if os.path.exists(config_file + '.bak'): os.remove(config_file + '.bak') os.rename(config_file, config_file+'.bak') # write out the updated config file f = open(config_file, 'w') f.writelines(lines) f.close"Config file saved.") ConfigParser.write = write handlingCommand = False chat_module = None move_handler = None # pass the lock to robot_util so the controller can be terminated from outside. terminate = thread.allocate_lock() robot_util.terminate = terminate # Enable logging, based upon the settings in the conf file. log = logging.getLogger('RemoTV') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_handler=logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(robot_config.get('logging', 'console_level'))) console_formatter=logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s : %(message)s','%H:%M:%S') console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) try: file_handler=logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(robot_config.get('logging', 'log_file'), maxBytes=robot_config.getint('logging', 'max_size'), backupCount=robot_config.getint('logging', 'num_backup')) except IOError: print("Error: Unable to write to log files. Check that they not owned by root, and that controller has write permissions to them") sys.exit() file_handler.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(robot_config.get('logging', 'file_level'))) file_formatter=logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) log.addHandler(console_handler) log.addHandler(file_handler) log.critical('RemoTV Controller Starting up') # Log all unhandled exceptions. def exceptionLogger(exctype, value, tb): log.critical("Unhandled exception of type : {}".format(exctype),exc_info=(exctype, value, tb)) sys.excepthook = exceptionLogger # This is required to allow us to get True / False boolean values from the # command line def str2bool(v): if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.') # TODO assess these and other options in the config to see which ones are most # appropriate to be overidden from the command line. # check the command line for and config file overrides. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='start robot control program') parser.add_argument('--robot-key', help='Robot API Key', default=robot_config.get('robot', 'robot_key')) parser.add_argument('--type', help="Serial or motor_hat or gopigo2 or gopigo3 or l298n or motozero or pololu", default=robot_config.get('robot', 'type')) parser.add_argument('--video', default=robot_config.get('camera', 'type')) parser.add_argument('--custom-hardware', type=str2bool, default=robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'custom_hardware')) parser.add_argument('--custom-tts', type=str2bool, default=robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'custom_tts')) parser.add_argument('--custom-chat', type=str2bool, default=robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'custom_chat')) parser.add_argument('--custom-video', type=str2bool, default=robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'custom_video')) parser.add_argument('--ext-chat-command', type=str2bool, default=robot_config.getboolean('tts', 'ext_chat')) parser.add_argument('--no-mic', dest='no_mic', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(no_mic=False) parser.add_argument('--no-camera', dest='no_camera', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(no_camera=False) parser.add_argument('--test', dest='test_mode', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(test_mode=False) commandArgs = parser.parse_args() log.debug('command line arguments : %s', commandArgs) # push command line variables back into the config robot_config.set('robot', 'robot_key', str(commandArgs.robot_key)) robot_config.set('robot', 'type', commandArgs.type) robot_config.set('misc', 'custom_hardware', str(commandArgs.custom_hardware)) robot_config.set('misc', 'custom_tts', str(commandArgs.custom_tts)) robot_config.set('misc', 'custom_chat', str(commandArgs.custom_chat)) robot_config.set('tts', 'ext_chat', str(commandArgs.ext_chat_command)) if commandArgs.no_mic: robot_config.set('camera', 'no_mic', 'True') if commandArgs.no_camera: robot_config.set('camera', 'no_camera', 'True') # set variables pulled from the config robotKey = commandArgs.robot_key ext_chat = commandArgs.ext_chat_command enable_async = robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'enable_async') # check test_mode test_mode = commandArgs.test_mode if test_mode: log.critical("Remo.TV Controller starting in test mode") if ext_chat: import extended_command # Functions def handle_message(ws, message): log.debug(message) try: messageData = json.loads(message) except: log.error("Unable to parse message") return # try: if "e" not in messageData: log.error("Malformed Message") event = messageData["e"] data = messageData["d"] if event == "BUTTON_COMMAND": on_handle_command(data) # handle_command(data) elif event == "MESSAGE_RECEIVED": if data['channel_id'] == networking.channel_id: if data['type'] != "robot": on_handle_chat_message(data) elif event == "ROBOT_VALIDATED": networking.handleConnectChatChannel(data["host"]) # except Exception as e: # print(e) def handle_chat_message(args):"chat message received: %s", args) if ext_chat: extended_command.handler(args) message = args["message"] try: if not message[0] == ".": tts.say(args) except IndexError: exit() def handle_command(args): global handlingCommand handlingCommand = True # catch move commands that happen before the controller has fully # loaded and set a move handler. if move_handler == None: return log.debug('got command : %s', args) move_handler(args,argsCustom) handlingCommand = False def on_handle_command(*args): log.debug("on_handle_command : {} {}".format(handlingCommand, enable_async)) if handlingCommand and not enable_async: return else: thread.start_new_thread(handle_command, args) global argsCustom def on_handle_chat_message(*args): global argsCustom argsCustom = args[0] if chat_module == None: thread.start_new_thread(handle_chat_message, args) else: thread.start_new_thread(chat_module.handle_chat,args) def restart_controller(command, args): if extended_command.is_authed(args['sender']) == 2: # Owner terminate.acquire() # TODO : This really doesn't belong here, should probably be in start script. # watch dog timer if robot_config.getboolean('misc', 'watchdog'): import os os.system("sudo modprobe bcm2835_wdt") os.system("sudo /usr/sbin/service watchdog start") # Load and start TTS"Loading tts") import tts.tts as tts tts.setup(robot_config) # Connect to the networking sockets if not test_mode:"Loading networking") networking.setupWebSocket(robot_config, handle_message) # If custom hardware extensions have been enabled, load them if they exist. Otherwise load the default # controller for the specified hardware type."Loading hardware module") log.debug("Loading module hardware/%s", commandArgs.type) if commandArgs.custom_hardware: if os.path.exists('hardware/'): if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): module = importlib.import_module('hardware.hardware_custom') else: module = __import__('hardware.hardware_custom', fromlist=['hardware_custom']) else: log.warning("Unable to find hardware/") if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): module = importlib.import_module('hardware.'+commandArgs.type) else: module = __import__("hardware."+commandArgs.type, fromlist=[commandArgs.type]) else: if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): module = importlib.import_module('hardware.'+commandArgs.type) else: module = __import__("hardware."+commandArgs.type, fromlist=[commandArgs.type]) #call the hardware module setup function module.setup(robot_config) move_handler = module.move # Load the video handler"Loading video module") log.debug("Loading module video/%s", if commandArgs.custom_video: if os.path.exists('video/'): if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): video_module = importlib.import_module('video.video_custom') else: video_module = __import__('video.video_custom', fromlist=['video_custom']) else: log.warning("Unable to find video/") if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): video_module = importlib.import_module('video.' else: video_module = __import__("video.", fromlist=[]) else: if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): video_module = importlib.import_module('video.' else: video_module = __import__("video.", fromlist=[]) # Setup the video encoding video_module.setup(robot_config) if not test_mode: video_module.start() #load the extended chat commands if ext_chat:"Loading extended chat commands") extended_command.setup(robot_config) extended_command.move_handler=move_handler move_handler = extended_command.move_auth extended_command.add_command('.restart', restart_controller) # Load a custom chat handler if enabled and exists if commandArgs.custom_chat: if os.path.exists(''): if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): chat_module = importlib.import_module('chat_custom') else: chat_module = __import__('chat_custom', fromlist=['chat_custom']) chat_module.setup(robot_config, handle_chat_message) else: log.warning("Unable to find") atexit.register(log.debug, "Attempting to clean up and exit nicely") if not test_mode: log.critical('RemoTV Controller Started') while not terminate.locked(): time.sleep(1) log.critical('RemoTV Controller Exiting') else: log.critical('RemoTV Controller Test Complete') sys.exit()