import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, AdaBoostRegressor import math import pickle import statistics import sklearn as sk from sklearn import preprocessing from pandas import read_csv import os class ProcessData: # Constructor for data processing def __init__(self, filenames, data_split, frequency, data_end_drop): home = os.path.expanduser("~") self.path = os.path.join(home, 'experiments', 'gusb_amp') # CSV Attributes self.filenames = filenames print(self.filenames) self.df = None # Data Attributes = None self.train = None self.test = None # Classification self.grasp = 0 # Regression # self.grasp_set = 0 self.split = data_split self.freq = frequency self.drop = data_end_drop def add_file_extension(self, filename): name = filename.split('.csv')[0] + '.csv' print(name) return name def read_data_classification(self): # Loops through CSV's for each grasp type file_counter = 0 for i in self.filenames: filename = self.add_file_extension(i) path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) # Uses pandas library to read csv files, then converted to numpy 2D arrays self.df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=None, header=0) = self.df.values # Labels and emg channel data extracted from data, # reshaped in needed, and combined labels =[:, -2] * (file_counter + 1) labels = np.reshape(labels, [len(labels), 1]) # Last Col is Label emg_channels =[:, :-2] = np.concatenate((emg_channels, labels), 1) # Splits data files in testing and training based on input parameters drop_idx = ((len( - (self.freq * self.drop)) # Creates then concatenates each grasp file training and testing dataset # Checks if current file should be in training or testing set # If it is the first file training (or testing) file, create one # If not, concatenate the current file with the existing training (or testing) set if file_counter <= (self.split - 1): if self.train is None: self.train =[0:drop_idx, :] print("data shape (first)", else: self.train = np.concatenate((self.train,[0:drop_idx, :]), 0) print("data shape (later)", print("train shape (later)", self.train.shape) elif self.test is None: self.test =[0:drop_idx, :] print( else: self.test = np.concatenate((self.test,[0:drop_idx, :]), 0) # Increments file counter file_counter = file_counter + 1 # df = pd.DataFrame(data=self.train) # df.to_csv('test.csv', index=False) class Classifiers: # Constructor for Classifier (data set) def __init__(self, grasps, split=2, frequency=1200, data_end_drop=2, num_trees=100, name=None): # Processes dataset self.p = ProcessData(grasps, split, frequency, data_end_drop) self.p.read_data_classification() = name # Parameters self.clf = None self.rf_prediction = None self.accuracy = None self.trees = num_trees # Actions self.random_forest_train() # self.random_forest_test() # Random forest classification training def random_forest_train(self): # Create a Gaussian Classifier self.clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=self.trees) # Train the model using the training sets y_pred=clf.predict(X_test) print("Training Model")[:, 0:-1], self.p.train[:, -1]) filename ='.')[0] + '.sav' pickle.dump(self.clf, open(filename, 'wb')) # Random forest classification testing def random_forest_test(self): # Prediction step self.rf_prediction = self.clf.predict(self.p.test[:, 0:-1]) counter = 0 # Calculates overall match accuracy (score equivalent) for i in range(len(self.p.test)): if self.rf_prediction[i] == self.p.test[i, 8]: counter = counter + 1 self.accuracy = float(counter / (len(self.p.test))) # print(self.accuracy) r = Classifiers((['rest.csv', 'pinch.csv', 'power.csv', 'tripod.csv']), split=10, data_end_drop=0, num_trees=100, name='gesture_classifier')