; ; This is the disassembled code from the SGT1 STEbus graphics board. ; It assembles online at www.asm80.com ; and generates the same bytes as the original ROM. ; ; There seems to be an error with the CTRL code table ; The pointer to the CTRL-P funtion seems in the wrong place. ; Conditional assembly corrects this if you change the issue to be greater than 3. ; ; .cpu 6800 ; ; The 6803 is the 6800 with several new instructions: ; ; TABLE 1 - NEW INSTRUCTIONS ; ; instruction Description ; ABX Unsigned addition of accumulator B to index register ; ADDD Adds (without carry) the double accumulator to memory and leaves the sum in the double accumulator ; ASLD or LSLD Shifts the double accumulator left (towards MSB) one bit; the LSE is cleared and the MSB is shifted into the C bit ; BHS Branch if higher or same, unsigned conditional branch (same as BCC) ; BLO Branch if lower, unsigned conditional branch (same as BCS) ; BRN Branch never ; JSR Additional addressing mode: direct ; LDD Loads double accumulator from memory ; LSL Shifts memory or accumulator left (towards MSB) one bit; the LSB is cleared and the MSB is shifted into the C bit (same as ASL) ; LSRD Shifts the double accumulator right (towards LSB) one bit, the MSB is cleared and the LSB is shifted into the C bit ; MULU Unsigned multiply, multiplies the two accumulators and leaves the product in the double accumulator ; PSHX Pushes the index register to stack ; PULX Pulls the index register from stack ; STD Stores the double accumulator to memory ; SUBD Subtracts memory from the double accumulator and leaves the difference in the double accumulator ; CPX Internal processing modified to permit its use with any conditional branch instruction ; ; ASM80 does not have them, so implement them as macros: .macro abx DB $3A ; opcode .endm .macro ADDD_ZP DB $D3 ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro ADDD DB $F3 ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro ADDD_IM DB $C3 ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro ASLD DB $05 ; opcode .endm ; .macro LSLD ; nop ; .endm ; .macro BHS ; nop ; nop ; .endm ; .macro BLO ; nop ; nop ; .endm ; .macro BRN ; nop ; nop ; .endm ; .macro JSR ; nop ; DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value ; .endm .macro LDD_ZP DB $DC ; opcode Db %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro LDD DB $FC ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro LDD_IM DB $CC ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro LDD_IX DB $EC ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro LDX_IX DB $EE ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro LDX_ZP DB $DE ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm ; .macro LSL ; nop ; .endm .macro LSRD DB $04 .endm .macro MUL DB $3D ; opcode .endm ; .macro MULU ; nop ; .endm .macro PSHX DB $3C .endm .macro PULX DB $38 .endm .macro STD_IX DB $ED ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro STD_ZP DB $DD ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro STD DB $FD ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm .macro SUBD DB $93 ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro SUBD_IX DB $A3 ; opcode DB %%1 ; the 8-bit value .endm .macro SUBD_IM DB $83 ; opcode DW %%1 ; the 16-bit value .endm ; .macro CPX ; .endm .macro BGND DB $0 ; opcode .endm ; ; These are probably not legit ; .macro idiv DB $02 ; opcode .endm .macro fdiv DB $03 ; opcode .endm .macro tsy DB $18,$30 ; opcode .endm .macro puly DB $18,$38 ; opcode .endm .macro bset DB $1C,$3c ; opcode DB %%1 .endm .macro pshy DB $66,$66 ; opcode .endm .macro staa DB $97 ; opcode DB %%1 .endm .macro ldaa_ix DB $A6 ; opcode DB %%1 .endm .macro staa_ix DB $A7 ; opcode DB %%1 .endm ; ; ; .macro ldd_std ldd %%1 std %%2 .endm .macro ldd_zp_std_zp ldd_zp %%1 std_zp %%2 .endm .macro ldaa_staa ldaa %%1 staa %%2 .endm .macro ldab_stab ldab %%1 stab %%2 .endm .macro ldaa_jsr ldaa %%1 jsr %%2 .endm .macro ldaa_jmp ldaa %%1 jmp %%2 .endm .macro ldab_jsr ldab %%1 jsr %%2 .endm .macro ldab_jmp ldab %%1 jmp %%2 .endm .macro jsr_staa jsr %%1 staa %%2 .endm .macro jsr_stab jsr %%1 stab %%2 .endm .macro pula_pulb pula pulb .endm .macro pula_pulb_std_ix pula pulb std_ix %%1,x .endm .macro suba_staa suba %%1 staa %%2 .endm .macro ldaa_mul ldaa %%1 mul .endm .macro ldab_mul ldab %%1 mul .endm .macro asla_thrice asla asla asla .endm .macro aslb_thrice aslb aslb aslb .endm .macro asld_thrice asld asld asld .endm .macro lsrd_thrice lsrd lsrd lsrd .endm .macro asra_rorb asra rorb .endm .macro ldd_im_std_zp ldd_im %%1 std_zp %%2 .endm .macro asrb_asld asrb asld .endm .macro ldx_stx ldx %%1 stx %%2 .endm .macro dec_bne dec %%1 bne %%2 .endm .macro ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp ldd_zp %%1 addd_zp %%2 std_zp %%3 .endm .macro addd_zp_std_zp addd_zp %%1 std_zp %%2 .endm ; ; constants: ; CR EQU $0D LF EQU $0A SP EQU $20 bits_per_byte EQU 8 mask_bit_0_set equ %00000001 mask_bit_1_set equ %00000010 mask_bit_2_set equ %00000100 mask_bit_3_set equ %00001000 mask_bit_4_set equ %00010000 mask_bit_5_set equ %00100000 mask_bit_6_set equ %01000000 mask_bit_7_set equ %10000000 mask_bit_0_clr equ %11111110 mask_bit_1_clr equ %11111101 mask_bit_2_clr equ %11111011 mask_bit_3_clr equ %11110111 mask_bit_4_clr equ %11101111 mask_bit_5_clr equ %11011111 mask_bit_6_clr equ %10111111 mask_bit_7_clr equ %01111111 ; ; variables used ; Port_1_Data_Direction_Register EQU $0 Port_2_Data_Direction_Register EQU $1 Port_1_Data_Register EQU $2 Port_2_Data_Register EQU $3 External_Memory_4 EQU $4 External_Memory_5 EQU $5 External_Memory_7 EQU $7 Timer_and_Control_Status_Register EQU $8 Counter_high_byte EQU $9 Counter_low_byte EQU $a Output_Compare_Register_high_byte EQU $b Output_Compare_Register_low_byte EQU $c Input_Capture_Register_high_byte EQU $d Input_Capture_Register_low_byte EQU $e External_Memory_f EQU $f Rate_and_Mode_Control_Register_low_byte EQU $10 Tx_and_Rx_Control_and_Status_Register EQU $11 Receive_Data_Register EQU $12 Transmit_Data_Register EQU $13 RAM_Control_Register EQU $14 var_2e EQU $2e var_58 EQU $58 var_7f EQU $7f var_9c EQU $9c VERS EQU 1 ISSUE EQU 3 ; ; The software determines this byte, not vice versa ; One byte giving the characteristics of the software ; bits 7,6,5: Configured emulation ; 0 0 0: Ampex210 ; bit 4: 1 = Write test display at power-up ; 0 = Disable test display TYPE EQU $10 ESC EQU $1B EPRM_BAS EQU $E000 VID_BAS EQU $2000 SETWID EQU 160 SETLEN EQU 32 ; ; RAM usage for data structures ; .if 1 STAK_TOP EQU $1fff TBL_END EQU STAK_TOP - 1FFh ; $1E00 CHAR_TBL EQU TBL_END - (128 * 8) ; Default character font $1A00 ESC_TBL EQU CHAR_TBL - 256 ; Table of ESC routines $1900 CTRL_TBL EQU ESC_TBL - 64 ; Table of CTRL code routines $18c0 CHAR_BUF EQU CTRL_TBL - 64 ; Buffer for character input $1880 PALT_TBL EQU CHAR_BUF - 16 ; Copy of palette RAM $1870 INT_TBL EQU PALT_TBL - 24 ; Interrupt vector table $1858 PKT_Q EQU INT_TBL - 24 ; Packet queue $1840 ; ; RAM usage ; The following defines zero page RAM usage. ; RAM is assigned from the top downwards. ; PAGE0 EQU 256 WORK EQU PAGE0 - 32 ; Workspace Y_COORD EQU WORK - 1 ; Position of text cursor X_COORD EQU Y_COORD - 1 ; Position of text cursor COORDS EQU X_COORD ; Word pointer to load X and Y ; together CH_COUNT EQU X_COORD - 1 ; Number of chars in buffer CH_START EQU CH_COUNT - 1 ; First character in buffer GRAPH_ON EQU CH_START - 1 ; Graphic characters HIN_ON EQU GRAPH_ON - 1 ; Half intensity CTRL_ON EQU HIN_ON - 1 ; Print control chars INVIS_ON EQU CTRL_ON - 1 ; Invisible mode FLASH_ON EQU INVIS_ON - 1 ; Flashing mode RVRSE_ON EQU FLASH_ON - 1 ; Reverse video mode UDLIN_ON EQU RVRSE_ON - 1 ; Underline mode on CUR_OFF EQU UDLIN_ON - 1 ; Cursor off * CUR_CNT EQU CUR_OFF - 1 ; Number of VSYNCs to cursor ; flash, = 0 if not flashing CUR_ON EQU CUR_CNT - 1 ; =$FF cursor displayed CUR_POS EQU CUR_ON - 2 ; Absolute address giving * ; location of first byte of RAM ; for text cursor MODE EQU CUR_POS - 1 ; Byte indicating current mode: * ; 1 represents 1 ; 2 represents 2 ; 4 represents 4 PORT1 EQU MODE - 1 ; Copy of bits of port 1 PORT2 EQU PORT1 - 1 ; Copy of bits of port 2 PLOT_MOD EQU PORT2 - 1 ; Plotting mode for lines and * ; points Y_PLOT EQU PLOT_MOD - 2 ; Y coord for line plotting * X_PLOT EQU Y_PLOT - 2 ; X coord for line plotting PLOT_COL EQU X_PLOT - 1 ; Plot colour. Aliased * ; throughout byte SCR_WID EQU PLOT_COL - 1 ; 2 * Number of chars wide on * ; mode 2 SCR_LEN EQU SCR_WID - 1 ; Number of text rows * SCR_END EQU SCR_LEN - 2 ; First RAM address after * ; refresh RAS CHAR_WID EQU SCR_END - 1 ; Number of character columns DISP_BAS EQU CHAR_WID - 2 ; Refresh RAM base address DASH_MOD EQU DISP_BAS - 2 ; Description of dashed lines CHAR_MOD EQU DASH_MOD - 1 ; =2 for modes 1,2 * ; =4 for mode 4 CHAR_COL EQU CHAR_MOD - 1 ; Colour to print chars in * ; AVOCET SYSTEMS 6800 CROSS-ASSEMBLER - VERSION 2.13 ; SGT1 FIRMWARE ; RAM usage CHAR_BAC EQU CHAR_COL - 1 ; Backoround colour for chars * SUB_PTR EQU CHAR_BAC - 2 ; Pointer to Submit data * SUB_CNT EQU SUB_PTR - 1 ; Count of Submit data * CLOCK EQU SUB_CNT - 2 ; Count of number of VSYNCs * PKT_CNT EQU CLOCK - 1 ; Number of packets on queue HOS_MODE EQU PKT_CNT - 1 ; = $F PALT_FLG EQU HOS_MODE - 1 ; =$FF when palette has changed STLI_ON EQU PALT_FLG - 1 ; =0 when status line is off * TEX_END EQU STLI_ON - 2 ; Bottom of text. ( Above status ; line) * PLOT_POS EQU TEX_END - 2 ; Graphics cursor position * PLOT_WID EQU PLOT_POS - 2 ; Number of logical pixels wide * PLOT_LEN EQU PLOT_WID - 2 ; Number of logical pixels high * .else PLOT_LEN EQU $aa PLOT_WID EQU $ac PLOT_POS EQU $ae TEX_END EQU $b0 STLI_ON EQU $b2 PALT_FLG EQU $b3 HOS_MODE EQU $b4 PKT_CNT EQU $b5 CLOCK EQU $b6 SUB_CNT EQU $b8 SUB_PTR EQU $b9 CHAR_BAC EQU $bb CHAR_COL EQU $bc CHAR_MOD EQU $bd DASH_MOD EQU $be DISP_BAS EQU $c0 CHAR_WID EQU $c2 SCR_END EQU $c3 SCR_LEN EQU $c5 SCR_WID EQU $c6 PLOT_COL EQU $c7 X_PLOT EQU $c8 Y_PLOT EQU $ca PLOT_MOD EQU $cc PORT2 EQU $cd ; Port_2_Data_Register_memory PORT1 EQU $ce ; Port_1_Data_Register_memory MODE EQU $cf CUR_POS EQU $d0 CUR_POS EQU $d0 CUR_ON EQU $d2 CUR_CNT EQU $d3 CUR_OFF EQU $d4 UDLIN_ON EQU $d5 RVRSE_ON EQU $d6 FLASH_ON EQU $d7 INVIS_ON EQU $d8 CTRL_ON EQU $d9 GRAPH_ON EQU $db CH_START EQU $dc CH_COUNT EQU $dd X_COORD EQU $de Y_COORD EQU $df WORK EQU $e0 .endif ; ; words used ; ; var_0000 EQU $0000 ; ; start of external memory space: ; THE_6845_REG_SEL EQU $0400 THE_6845_DATA EQU $0401 STEBUS_IO EQU $0800 PALETTE EQU $0c00 var_10f3 EQU $10f3 PKT_Q EQU $1840 INT_TBL_SCI EQU $1858 var_185b_TOF EQU $185b var_185e_OCF EQU $185e var_1861_ICF EQU $1861 var_1864_IRQ1 EQU $1864 var_1867_SWI EQU $1867 PALT_TBL EQU $1870 CHAR_BUF EQU $1880 CTRL_TBL EQU $18c0 ESC_TBL EQU $1900 CHAR_TBL EQU $1a00 TBL_END EQU $1e00 STAK_TOP EQU $1fff VID_BAS EQU $2000 var_2008 EQU $2008 L_e008 EQU $e008 L_ffff EQU $ffff org EPRM_BAS ; EPROM data ; ; ; L_e000: DB VERS ; Version number DB ISSUE ; Issue number ; L_e002: DB TYPE ; Function information ; Patch bit 4 of the type byte ( set to 0) to disable ; the test screen after reset. ; Table of routines in EPROM ; 1st element stored at EPRM.BAS + 3 L_e003: jmp START ; Cold start * L_e006: jmp WARM ; Warm start L_e009: jmp MAIN ; Main routine L_e00c: jmp ESCAPE ; Escape handler * ; OR or AND Reg A with PORT2 ; Use this for all modifications to PORT2 ; Modifies WORK+14, WORK+15 L_e00f: jmp ORP2 ;* L_e012: jmp ANDP2 ;* ; Send byte to host ; Sends a byte to the host. Will not put the next byte until ; the last one has been read L_e015: jmp PUTIT ;* L_e018: jmp ERROR ; Send error byte to host ; ; Get a byte from the input stream. ; Value returned in A. Regs B and X preserved. ; See also READ and READHX L_e01b: jmp GETCH ; Get char from input stream * L_e01e: jmp WRCH ; Write char to screen * L_e021: jmp PRCH ; Print char without updating cursor * ; ; AVOCET SYSTEMS 6800 CROSS-ASSEMBLER - VERSION 2.13 ; SGT1 FIRMWARE PAGE 4 ; RAM usage ; ; Move a block of data from address in WORK+2 to address in WORK ; Number of bytes to copy in Reg D. ; UMOVE copies from given addresses upwards through memory and DMOVE ; downwards. L_e024: jmp UMOVE L_e027: jmp DMOVE ;Calculates useful addresses ;Calculates CUR_POS from DISP_BAS, X_COORD and Y_COORD, returned in WORK ;Address of first character in row returned in WORK+2 ;WORK+4 to WORK+15 may be used for other values L_e02a: jmp SCREEN ; Calculate CUR.POS, return in WORK * ; Deletes any text cursor at CUR_POS, recalculates CUR_POS from X_COORD, ; Y_COORD and handles scrolling, cursor going off the screen etc. ; Redraws new cursor if enabled L_e02d: jmp CURSOR L_e030: jmp SCROLL ; Scroll text up one line * L_e033: jmp SCR_LIM ; Ensure text cursor is on screen * L_e036: jmp ERA_SCR ; Clear screen to palette colour 0 * ; READ reads (Req B) bytes of data from the input stream and reads them ; into WORK+16 upwards. B (= 16. ; READHX reads two bytes from the input stream and treats them as two ; ASCII hex digits to be converted into one byte value. ; Value returned in A. ; Undefined if two bytes are not hex digits. L_e039: jmp READ L_e03c: jmp READHX ; ; Convert ASCII hex digit to a nibble L_e03f: jmp HEXBIN L_e042: jmp GSX ; Handle GSX functions L_e045: jmp LINE_INS ; Insert line * L_e048: jmp CHAR_INS ; Insert char * L_e04b: jmp LINE_DEL ; Delete line * L_e04e: jmp CHAR_DEL ; Delete char * L_e051: jmp CUR_UP ; Cursor up * L_e054: jmp CUR_DOWN ; Cursor down * L_e057: jmp CUR_LEFT ; Cursor left * L_e05a: jmp CUR_RITE ; Cursor right * L_e05d: jmp TAB ; Tabulate * L_e060: jmp LINEFEED ; Linefeed * L_e063: jmp RETURN ; Carriage return * L_e066: jmp HOME ; Cursor home * L_e069: jmp NEWLINE ; Carriage return, linefeed * ; Unsigned multiplies Reg A by value in (WORK+2, WORK+3) ; Returned in WORK, WORK+ ; AVOCET SYSTEMS 6800 CROSS-ASSEMBLER - VERSION 2.13 ; SGT1 FIRMWARE PAGE 5 ; RAM usage L_e06c: jmp MULT16 ; 16-bit multiplication L_e06f: jmp DIV16 ; 16-bit division L_e072: jmp SET_PALT ; Update palette L_e075: jmp SET_REG ; Set 6845 reg. Reg no in A, Value in B. L_e078: jmp PLOT ; Plot point at ((WORK+12), (WORK+14)) * L_e07b: jmp PNT_MSK ; Plot point at ((WORK+20), (WORK+22)), * ; Clipped and dashed ; Plots a line from graphics cursor to point whose X coord is passed ; in WORK#12, Y coord in WORK#14 (double bytes) L_e07e: jmp LINE L_e081: jmp ARC L_e084: jmp CHK_LIM ; Check ((WORK+20), (WORK+22)) is on screen * L_e087: jmp PNT_LOC ; Memory location of pixel * ; ((WORK+20) , (WORK+22)) ; returned in WORK+O L_e08a: jmp PNT_MSK L_e08d: jmp ANDP1 ; AND PORT1 with Reo A. { Uses WORK + 14 * L_e090: jmp ORP1 ; OR PORT1 with Reg A. { and WORK + 15 * L_e093: jmp DEL_RITE ; Erase to end of line * L_e096: jmp PAGE_DEL L_e099: jmp DMOVE8 ; As DMOVE but move COUNT*8 bytes L_e09c: jmp UMOVE8 ; As UMOVE but move COUNT*8 bytes * L_e09f: jmp LEFSCR ; Scroll whole screen left * L_e0a2: jmp RIGSCR ; Scroll whole screen right * ; Scroll part of one line. ; Offset from base of display in WORK+6, ; Number of bytes to scroll in WORK+18. ( Both values 2 bytes ) L_e0a5: jmp BULEFT L_e0a8: jmp BLRIGT ; Routines used in ESC 90 command to step graphics cursor one place ; and draw point in mode 4 in XOR plotting. L_e0ab: jmp PLOT_INC L_e0ae: jmp INC_PLOT ; XOR plot at cursor * L_e0b1: jmp INC_1 ; Move up and right and plot * L_e0b4: jmp X_INC ; Move right * L_e0b7: jmp INC_3 ; Move down and right * L_e0ba: jmp Y_DEC ; Move down * L_e0bd: jmp INC_5 ; Move down and left * L_e0c0: jmp X_DEC ; Move left * L_e0c3: jmp INC_7 ; Move up and left * L_e0c6: jmp Y_INC ; Move left * ; Fill area of screen in plotting colour. ; Two corners of rectangle given by (X.PLOT,Y.PLOT) and (WORK+#12, WORK+14) L_e0c9: jmp FILL L_e0cc: jmp QLINE ; Read palette colour of pixel at coords (WORK + 12, WORK + 14) ; Value sent back to host L_e0cf: jmp RD_PNT ; ; End of listing in the manual ; START: ; Cold start ; reset WARM: ; Warm start ;START 0f sei ; interrupt flag ;L_e0d3 86 fd ldaa_staa #%11111101, Port_1_Data_Direction_Register ldaa_staa #%11110111, Port_2_Data_Direction_Register ldaa_staa #%11111111, PORT1 staa Port_1_Data_Register ldaa_staa #%11111111, PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ;L_e0e7 ce 1f ff ldx #STAK_TOP txs ;L_e0eb 86 0f ldaa #15 ;L_e0ed ce 18 7f ldx #PALT_TBL+15 ; point to last byte in the table ; ; ; Loop_e0f0: staa 0,x dex deca bge Loop_e0f0 ; jsr SET_PALT ; ldx #$0100 ldaa #$80 ; ; ; Loop_e0fe: dex clr 0,x deca bne Loop_e0fe ; ldaa_staa #$ff,PORT1 staa Port_1_Data_Register ; ldaa_staa #$ff,PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ldaa_staa #$40, CUR_CNT ; ldd_im_std_zp VID_BAS, DISP_BAS ldaa_staa #2, PLOT_MOD ; ldaa_staa #$ff, HOS_MODE staa PLOT_COL ; ldab_stab #SETWID, SCR_WID ; 160 ldab_stab #SETLEN, SCR_LEN ; ldd_im_std_zp $0400, PLOT_LEN ldd_im_std_zp $0500, PLOT_WID ; ldab_stab #40, CHAR_WID ; ldd_im_std_zp $9b07, PLOT_POS ldd_im_std_zp $c000, SCR_END std_zp TEX_END ; ldab_stab #$ff, CHAR_COL ldab_stab #0, CHAR_BAC ldab_stab #4, CHAR_MOD stab MODE ; ldd_im_std_zp $ffff, DASH_MOD ldd_im_std_zp L_f9a3, WORK+2 ldd_im_std_zp INT_TBL_SCI, WORK ; ldd_im 3 ; jsr UMOVE8 ; ; Copy tables and font from ROM to RAM: ; CTRL_TBL EQU $18c0 $F461 64 bytes = 32 words ; ESC_TBL EQU $1900 $F421 256 bytes = 128 words ; CHAR_TBL EQU $1a00 1024 bytes = 128 characters * 8 bytes per character ; TBL_END EQU $1e00 ; FONT_END EQU $f9a2 ; $f9a2 - $540 - 1 = $F461 ;L_e168 ldd_im TBL_END-CTRL_TBL ; $0540 ; ldx_stx #FONT_END, WORK+2 ; source ldx_stx #TBL_END, WORK ; destination ; jsr DMOVE ; ldx #table_f0b6 ; table data[x++] to WORK ldaa 0,x ; to Accumulator inx staa WORK ; first entry is number of entries in table ; Loop_e180: ldd_ix 0,x ; D = word from table inx ; X+=2 inx ; jsr SET_REG ; ; dec_bne WORK, Loop_e180 ; jsr ERA_SCR ; ldaa_staa #4, MODE ; ldd_zp_std_zp DISP_BAS, CUR_POS ; ldaa L_e002 ; look at this magic number anda #$10 ; is bit 4 set ? beq skip_e1a1 jsr ESC_86_Display_test_pattern ; yes, call this routine first skip_e1a1: jsr L_e441 ; ; ; MAIN: jsr GETCH tab cmpb #$20 ; compare B with $20 blt control_chars ; jsr WRCH bra MAIN ; control_chars: aslb clra ; A is zero addd_im CTRL_TBL std_zp WORK ; ldx WORK ldx 0,x ; fetch routine address jsr 0,x ; call the routine at X ; bra MAIN ; ; ; ESCAPE: jsr GETCH ;L_e1c3 tab aslb ; double B ;L_e1c5 clra ; msb of D is zero addd_im ESC_TBL std_zp WORK ;L_e1cb ldx WORK ;L_e1cd ldx_ix 0,x ;L_e1cf jmp 0,x ; ; ; DMOVE8: sei ; interrupt flag ;L_e1d2 std_zp WORK+6 ;L_e1d4 tstb bne L_e1da dec WORK+6 ; ; ; L_e1da: sts WORK+4 ; save stack pointer lds WORK ; des ; ldx WORK+2 ; ; ; Loop_e1e1: ldab #$f8 abx stx WORK+8 dec WORK+8 ; ldx_zp WORK+8 ldd_ix 6,x ; pshb psha ; ldd_ix 4,x ; pshb psha ; ldd_ix 2,x ; pshb psha ; ldd_ix 0,x ; pshb psha ; dec WORK+7 bne Loop_e1e1 ; ldaa WORK+6 ; decrement WORK+6 suba_staa #1, WORK+6 ; bcc Loop_e1e1 ; ins ; sts WORK stx WORK+2 lds WORK+4 ; rts ; ; ; UMOVE8: sei ; std_zp WORK+6 ; tstb bne skip_e219 dec WORK+6 skip_e219: ; stab WORK+7 sts WORK+4 ; save stack pointer ldx WORK lds WORK+2 ; des loop_e222: pula_pulb_std_ix 0 pula_pulb_std_ix 2 pula_pulb_std_ix 4 pula_pulb_std_ix 6 ; ldab #bits_per_byte ; abx ; dec WORK+7 bne loop_e222 ; ldaa WORK+6 suba_staa #1, WORK+6 ; bcc loop_e222 ; stx WORK ; ins ; sts WORK+2 ; lds WORK+4 ; rts ; ; DMOVE uses ; X as the source pointer, ; S as the destination pointer, ; D as the counter. ; DMOVE: sei ; staa WORK+6 ; tstb bne skip_e253 dec WORK+6 skip_e253: ; sts WORK+4 ; save stack pointer ; lds WORK des ; ldx WORK+2 loop_e25a: dex ldaa 0,x psha ; decb bne loop_e25a ; inner loop moves 256 bytes? ; ldaa WORK+6 suba_staa #1, WORK+6 bcc loop_e25a ; outer loop ; ins sts WORK stx WORK+2 lds WORK+4 ; restore stack pointer rts ; ; ; UMOVE: sei ; staa WORK+6 ; tstb bne skip_e27a ; dec WORK+6 skip_e27a: sts WORK+4 ; save stack pointer ldx WORK lds WORK+2 ; des ; ; ; L_e281: pula staa 0,x ; inx ; decb bne L_e281 ; ldaa WORK+6 suba_staa #1, WORK+6 ; bcc L_e281 ; stx WORK ; ins ; sts WORK+2 lds WORK+4 rts ; ; ; GETCH: pshb pshx ; ldab SUB_CNT beq L_e2bd ; ldx SUB_PTR ; ldaa 0,x inx ; decb stab SUB_CNT ; stx SUB_PTR ; pulx pulb ; rts ; ; ; L_e2ab: ldaa #$fe anda PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register staa PORT2 ; ldab PORT1 tba orab #mask_bit_2_set anda #mask_bit_2_clr ; bit 2 = 0 staa Port_1_Data_Register ; wai ; L_e2bd: ldaa CH_COUNT beq L_e2ab ; ldaa #1 oraa PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register staa PORT2 ; sei ; ldab CH_START andb #$3f ; ldx #CHAR_BUF abx ; dec CH_COUNT inc CH_START ; ldab 0,x ; tba ; pulx pulb ; rts ; ; ; L_e2de: jsr GETCH loop_e2e1: psha ldaa_jsr #$fe, ANDP2 ; ldab PORT1 ; tba ; orab #mask_bit_2_set anda #mask_bit_2_clr ; bit 2 = 0 staa Port_1_Data_Register ; wai ; pula deca bne loop_e2e1 ; ldaa_jsr #1, ORP2 ; optimise to jmp rts ; ; ; ; interrupt handler? ; L_e2fb_NMI: ; NMI vector? ldaa STEBUS_IO ; stab Port_1_Data_Register stab PORT1 ; ldab Port_1_Data_Register andb #2 bne L_E318_SET_PORT_2_BIT_2 ; ldab CH_COUNT addb CH_START andb #$3f ; ldx #CHAR_BUF ; abx ; inc CH_COUNT ; staa 0,x ; drop into rti ; ; ; L_e317_rti: rti ; ; ; L_E318_SET_PORT_2_BIT_2: ldaa PORT2 oraa #mask_bit_2_set staa PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ; bra L_e317_rti ; ; ; ERROR: psha ldaa_jsr #mask_bit_7_clr, ANDP1 pula ; jsr PUTIT ldaa_jsr #mask_bit_7_set, ANDP1 ; rts ; ; ; PUTIT: staa STEBUS_IO ; ; ; Loop_e335: ldaa #$fa jsr ANDP2 ; ldab PORT1 tba orab #mask_bit_2_set anda #mask_bit_2_clr staa Port_1_Data_Register wai ; ldaa PORT2 anda #mask_bit_2_set beq Loop_e335 ; rts ; ; ; ORP2: staa WORK+15 ; ldaa PORT2 oraa #mask_bit_0_set staa Port_2_Data_Register ; ldaa PORT2 staa WORK+14 ; oraa WORK+15 staa PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ; rts ; ; ; ANDP2: staa WORK+15 ldaa PORT2 oraa #mask_bit_0_set staa Port_2_Data_Register ; ldaa_staa PORT2, WORK+14 anda WORK+15 staa PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ; rts ; ; ; ORP1: staa WORK+15 ; ldaa PORT2 oraa #mask_bit_0_set staa Port_2_Data_Register ; ldaa PORT1 staa WORK+14 ; oraa WORK+15 staa Port_1_Data_Register staa PORT1 ; ldaa PORT2 staa Port_2_Data_Register ; rts ; ; ; ANDP1: staa WORK+15 ; ldaa PORT2 oraa #mask_bit_0_set staa Port_2_Data_Register ; ldaa PORT1 staa WORK+14 ; anda WORK+15 staa Port_1_Data_Register staa PORT1 ; ldaa $cd staa Port_2_Data_Register ; rts ; ; ; WRCH: jsr L_e43a jsr PRCH ; clra ldab CHAR_MOD ; aslb_thrice addd_zp_std_zp CUR_POS, CUR_POS ; ldaa X_COORD inca staa X_COORD ; cmpa CHAR_WID blt skip_e3c7 ; clr X_COORD ; ldab Y_COORD incb stab Y_COORD ; cmpb SCR_LEN blt skip_e3c7 jmp CURSOR ; skip_e3c7: jmp L_e441 rts ; optimise out? ; ; ; SCREEN: ldab SCR_WID ldaa_mul Y_COORD ; asld_thrice ; addd_zp_std_zp DISP_BAS, WORK+2 ; ldaa X_COORD ldab_mul CHAR_MOD ; asld_thrice ; addd_zp_std_zp WORK+2, WORK ; rts ; ; ; SCR_LIM: ldaa X_COORD bge skip_e3f2 ; dec Y_COORD blt L_e410 ; ldaa CHAR_WID deca staa X_COORD skip_e3f2: cmpa CHAR_WID blt skip_e3fc ; clr X_COORD inc Y_COORD skip_e3fc: ldab Y_COORD bge skip_e403 clrb stab Y_COORD skip_e403: cmpb SCR_LEN bge skip_e408 rts skip_e408: ldab SCR_LEN decb stab Y_COORD ; jmp SCROLL ; ; ; L_e410: clr Y_COORD clr X_COORD rts ; ; CURSOR: ; used 21 times jsr L_e43a jsr SCR_LIM jsr SCREEN ; ldd_zp_std_zp WORK, CUR_POS ; tst CH_COUNT ; bne skip_e42c jsr L_e441 skip_e42c: ; ldd_zp CUR_POS ; psha ldaa_jsr #14, SET_REG; ; pulb ldaa_jmp #15, SET_REG; ; ; ; L_e43a: sei tst CUR_ON bne skip_e44d rts ; ; ; L_e441: ; mentioned 10 times sei ; tst CUR_OFF bne skip_e44c ; tst CUR_ON beq skip_e44d ; skip_e44c: rts ; ; ; skip_e44d: ldab CHAR_MOD ; aslb_thrice ; ldx CUR_POS ; sei Loop_e455: com 0,x inx ; decb bne Loop_e455 ; com CUR_ON rts ; ; ; L_e45f: ldaa STLI_ON bne skip_e464 rts ; skip_e464: coma ; staa STLI_ON ; inc SCR_LEN ; ldd_zp PLOT_WID ; ldx SCR_END stx TEX_END Loop_e470: dex ; psha ; ldaa CHAR_BAC staa 0,x ; pula ; subd_im 1 bne Loop_e470 ; rts ; ; ; L_e47d: ldaa STLI_ON beq L_e482 rts ; return if not zero ; ; ; L_e482: coma staa STLI_ON dec SCR_LEN ; ; ; L_e488: ldd_zp PLOT_WID ldx SCR_END ; Loop_e48c: dex ; psha ; ldaa CHAR_COL staa 0,x ; pula subd_im 1 bne Loop_e48c ; stx TEX_END rts ; ; ; L_e49b: ldaa STLI_ON beq Loop_e4de ; jsr L_e488 ; ldx X_COORD pshx ; ldx CUR_POS pshx ; ldd_zp_std_zp TEX_END, CUR_POS ; com RVRSE_ON ; ldaa CHAR_WID deca ; ldab CHAR_MOD ; aslb_thrice Loop_e4b7: pshb ; psha ; jsr GETCH ; cmpa #CR beq L_e4d3 ; cmpa #LF beq L_e4d3 ; jsr PRCH ; ldx CUR_POS ; pula_pulb ; abx stx CUR_POS ; deca bne Loop_e4b7 ; bra L_e4d4 ; ; ; L_e4d3: pulx ; ; ; L_e4d4: com RVRSE_ON ; pulx stx CUR_POS ; pulx stx X_COORD ; rts ; ; ; Loop_e4de: ldaa CHAR_WID deca ; Loop_e4e1: pshb psha ; jsr GETCH ; cmpa #$d beq L_e4f5_pulx_rts ; cmpa #$a beq L_e4f5_pulx_rts ; pula_pulb ; deca bne Loop_e4e1 ; bra L_e4f6_rts ; ; ; L_e4f5_pulx_rts: pulx ; ; ; L_e4f6_rts: rts ; ; ; PRCH: ldab CHAR_MOD ; aslb ; negb ; ldx #$e437 abx stx WORK+5 ; tab ; clra asld_thrice addd_im CHAR_TBL std_zp WORK+20 ; ldab_stab #7, WORK+7 ; ; ; L_e50f: ldab_stab #bits_per_byte, WORK+4 ; ldab WORK+7 ; ldx CUR_POS abx stx WORK ; ldx WORK+20 abx ldab 0,x ; ldaa #$1 ; sei ; ; ; Loop_e522: pshb ldx WORK+5 jmp 0,x ; ; ; L_e527: asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld asrb_asld ; bcc skip_e551 ; ldx WORK eora RVRSE_ON tab andb CHAR_COL stab WORK+9 ; tab ; comb ; andb CHAR_BAC orab WORK+9 stab 0,x ; ldab #bits_per_byte abx stx WORK ; ldaa #$1 ; skip_e551: pulb rolb ; dec WORK+4 bgt Loop_e522 ; dec WORK+7 bge L_e50f ; rts ; ; ; SCROLL: jsr SCREEN ; ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp SCR_END, PLOT_WID, SCR_END ; subd_im EPRM_BAS bgt L_e5a5 ; ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp TEX_END, PLOT_WID, TEX_END ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp DISP_BAS, PLOT_WID, DISP_BAS L_e578: ldaa STLI_ON beq L_e58a ; ldd_zp_std_zp TEX_END, WORK subd PLOT_WID std_zp WORK+2 ; ldab SCR_WID ; clra ; jsr UMOVE8 ; ; ; L_e58a: ldd_zp DISP_BAS lsrd_thrice ; psha ; ldaa_jsr #$d, SET_REG; ; pulb ; ldaa_jsr #$c, SET_REG; ; ldaa X_COORD ; psha ; jsr L_e9bb ; pula staa X_COORD ; rts ; ; ; L_e5a5: ldd_zp SCR_END ; subd DISP_BAS subd PLOT_WID std_zp WORK+6 ; addd_im VID_BAS std_zp SCR_END ; ldd_zp TEX_END subd DISP_BAS addd_im VID_BAS std_zp TEX_END ; ldd_im_std_zp VID_BAS, WORK ; ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp DISP_BAS, PLOT_WID, WORK+2 ; ldd_zp WORK+6 lsrd_thrice ; jsr UMOVE8 ; ldd_im_std_zp VID_BAS, DISP_BAS ; bra L_e578 ; ; ; LEFSCR: jsr L_e43a ; ldd_zp SCR_END addd_im 8 std_zp SCR_END ; subd_im EPRM_BAS bgt L_e628 ; ldd_zp TEX_END addd_im 8 std_zp TEX_END ; ldd_zp DISP_BAS addd_im 8 std_zp DISP_BAS ; ; ; L_e5f2: lsrd_thrice psha ; ldaa_jsr #$d, SET_REG; ; pulb ; ldaa_jsr #$c, SET_REG; ; ldx SCR_END ; ldab_stab SCR_LEN, WORK ; bra L_e613 ; ; ; Loop_e609: stx WORK+2 ; ldd_zp WORK+2 subd PLOT_WID std_zp WORK+2 ; ldx WORK+2 ; ; ; L_e613: ldab CHAR_BAC ldaa CHAR_BAC ; std_ix 0,x std_ix 2,x std_ix 4,x std_ix 6,x ; dec WORK bne Loop_e609 ; jsr CURSOR ;L_e627 rts ; ; ; L_e628: ldd_zp SCR_END subd DISP_BAS subd_im $10 std_zp WORK+6 ; addd_im $2008 std_zp SCR_END ; ldd_zp TEX_END subd DISP_BAS addd_im $1ff8 std_zp TEX_END ; ldd_im_std_zp VID_BAS, WORK ; ldd_zp DISP_BAS addd_im 8 std_zp WORK+2 ; ldd_zp WORK+6 lsrd_thrice jsr UMOVE8 ; ldd_im_std_zp VID_BAS, DISP_BAS bra L_e5f2 ; ; ; RIGSCR: ; jsr L_e43a ; ldd_zp DISP_BAS subd_im 8 std_zp DISP_BAS ; subd_im VID_BAS blt L_e6af ; ldd_zp SCR_END ; subd_im 8 std_zp SCR_END ; ldd_zp TEX_END subd_im 8 std_zp TEX_END ; ; ; L_e677: ldd_zp DISP_BAS lsrd_thrice ; psha ; ldaa_jsr #$d, SET_REG; ; pulb ; ldaa_jsr #$c, SET_REG; ; ldx DISP_BAS ; ldab_stab SCR_LEN, WORK ; bra L_e69a ; ; ; L_e690: stx WORK+2 ; ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+2, PLOT_WID, WORK+2 ; ldx WORK+2 ; ; ; L_e69a: ldab CHAR_BAC ldaa CHAR_BAC ; std_ix 0,x std_ix 2,x std_ix 4,x std_ix 6,x ; dec WORK bne L_e690 ; jsr CURSOR ; jmp would save time rts ; ; ; L_e6af: ldd_zp SCR_END subd DISP_BAS subd_im $10 std_zp WORK+6 ldd_im_std_zp EPRM_BAS, WORK ;L_e6bd subd SCR_END addd_zp DISP_BAS addd_im 8 std_zp DISP_BAS ;L_e6c6 ldd_im L_e008 subd SCR_END addd_zp_std_zp TEX_END, TEX_END ;L_e6cf ldd_zp SCR_END subd_im 8 std_zp WORK+2 ;L_e6d6 ldd_zp WORK+6 lsrd_thrice jsr DMOVE8 ;L_e6de ldd_im_std_zp EPRM_BAS, SCR_END ;L_e6e3 bra L_e677 ; ; ; L_e6e5: jsr L_e43a ;L_e6e8 ldab #$4 ;L_e6ea jsr READ ; ; ; BULEFT: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+16, DISP_BAS, WORK addd_im 8 std_zp WORK+2 ;L_e6f8 ldd_zp WORK+18 subd_im 8 ;L_e6fd lsrd_thrice jsr UMOVE8 ;L_e703 ldaa CHAR_BAC ;L_e705 tab ;L_e706 ldx WORK ;L_e708 std_ix 0,x std_ix 2,x std_ix 4,x std_ix 6,x ;L_e710 jmp L_e441 ; ; ; L_e713: jsr L_e43a ;L_e716 ldab #4 ;L_e718 jsr READ ; ; ; BLRIGT: ldd_zp WORK+16 addd_zp DISP_BAS addd_zp WORK+18 std_zp WORK ;L_e723 subd_im 8 std_zp WORK+2 ;L_e728 ldd_zp WORK+18 subd_im 8 ;L_e72d lsrd_thrice jsr DMOVE8 ;L_e733 ldaa CHAR_BAC ;L_e735 tab ;L_e736 ldx WORK+2 ;L_e738 std_ix 0,x std_ix 2,x std_ix 4,x std_ix 6,x ;L_e740 jmp L_e441 ; ; ; L_e743: rts ; ; ; L_e744: ldab #3 jsr READ ;L_e749 ldx WORK+16 stx SUB_PTR ;L_e74d ldaa_staa WORK+18, SUB_CNT ;L_e751 rts ; ; ; SET_PALT: sei ldaa PORT1 psha ; ldaa #$ef jsr ANDP1 ;L_e75b ldd_std PALT_TBL, PALETTE+0 ldd_std PALT_TBL+2, PALETTE+2 ldd_std PALT_TBL+4, PALETTE+4 ldd_std PALT_TBL+6, PALETTE+6 ldd_std PALT_TBL+8, PALETTE+8 ldd_std PALT_TBL+10, PALETTE+10 ldd_std PALT_TBL+12, PALETTE+12 ldd_std PALT_TBL+14, PALETTE+14 ;L_e78b 32 pula jsr ORP1 rts ; ; ; L_e790: tst PALT_FLG ;L_e793 beq L_e79b ;L_e795 bd e7 52 jsr SET_PALT ;L_e798 clr PALT_FLG ; ; ; L_e79b: ldx CLOCK inx stx CLOCK ;L_e7a0 7d 00 d3 tst CUR_CNT ;L_e7a3 27 0c beq L_e7b1 ;L_e7a5 dec CUR_CNT ;L_e7a8 bne L_e7b1 ;L_e7aa ldaa_staa #$40, CUR_CNT ;L_e7ae jsr skip_e44d ; ; ; L_e7b1: jsr L_e804 ;L_e7b4 rti ;L_e7b5 ldaa PKT_CNT cmpa #$18 ; 24 rows of characters per screen? blt L_e7bd ;L_e7bb clra rts ; ; ; L_e7bd: stx WORK ;L_e7bf e6 02 ldab 2,x ; ; ; L_e7c1: ldx #PKT_Q ;L_e7c4 e1 02 cmpb 2,x blt L_e7da ;L_e7c8 e0 02 subb 2,x ;L_e7ca 08 inx inx ;L_e7cc 4a deca ;L_e7cd 2e f2 bgt L_e7c1 ;L_e7cf 37 pshb ;L_e7d0 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK std_ix 0,x ;L_e7d4 ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_e7d6 33 pulb stab 2,x ;L_e7d9 rts ; ; ; L_e7da: pshb ;L_e7db 16 tab ;L_e7dc 97 e2 staa WORK+2 ;L_e7de 5a decb decb ;L_e7e0 3a abx abx ;L_e7e2 7a 00 e2 dec WORK+2 ; ; ; L_e7e5: ldd_ix 0,x ;L_e7e7 ed 02 std_ix 2,x ;L_e7e9 09 dex ;L_e7ea 09 dex ;L_e7eb 7a 00 e2 dec WORK+2 bne L_e7e5 ;L_e7f0 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK std_ix 0,x ;L_e7f4 32 pula ;L_e7f5 3c pshx ;L_e7f6 ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_e7f8 a7 02 staa 2,x ;L_e7fa 38 pulx ;L_e7fb ee 02 ldx 2,x ;L_e7fd 40 nega ;L_e7fe e6 02 ldab 2,x aba staa 2,x ;L_e803 rts ; ; ; L_e804: tst PKT_CNT ;L_e807 26 01 bne L_e80a ; ; ; L_e809: rts ; ; ; L_e80a: ldx PKT_Q ;L_e80d 6a 02 dec 2,x ;L_e80f 26 f8 bne L_e809 ; return ;L_e811 ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_e813 ad 00 jsr 0,x ;L_e815 96 b5 ldaa PKT_CNT deca staa PKT_CNT ;L_e81a 27 ed beq L_e809 ;L_e81c ce 18 40 ldx #PKT_Q ; ; ; L_e81f: psha ;L_e820 ec 02 ldd_ix 2,x ;L_e822 ed 00 std_ix 0,x ;L_e824 32 pula ;L_e825 4a deca ;L_e826 26 f7 bne L_e81f ;L_e828 rts ; 15 references ; ; ; READ: ldx #$f0 ; ; ; L_e82c: jsr GETCH ;L_e82f a7 00 staa 0,x ;L_e831 08 inx ;L_e832 5a decb bne L_e82c ;L_e835 rts ; ; ; MULT16: psha ;L_e837 d6 e2 ldab_mul WORK+2 stab WORK ; clr WORK+1 ; pula ; ldab_mul WORK+3 addd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK ; rts ; ; ; DIV16: ldx #$e0 ;L_e84b c6 10 ldab #$10 stab Timer_and_Control_Status_Register,x ; indexed! Loop_e84f: asl External_Memory_5,x ;L_e851 69 04 rol 4,x ;L_e853 ec 00 ldd_ix 0,x ; subd_ix 2,x blt skip_e85d ; std_ix 0,x inc External_Memory_5,x skip_e85d: ; ldd_ix 0,x asld std_ix 0,x std_ix 6,x ;L_e864 6a 08 dec Timer_and_Control_Status_Register,x ;L_e866 26 e7 bne Loop_e84f ;L_e868 rts ; ; ; L_e869: ldab #4 jsr READ ;L_e86e de f0 ldx WORK+16 ;L_e870 dc f2 ldd_zp WORK+18 Loop_e872: psha ;L_e873 bd e2 98 jsr GETCH ;L_e876 a7 00 staa_ix 0,x inx ;L_e879 32 pula subd_im 1 bne Loop_e872 rts ; ; ; L_e880: ldab #4 jsr READ ;L_e885 de f0 ldx WORK+16 ;L_e887 dc f2 ldd_zp WORK+18 ; ; ; Loop_e889: psha ; push loop count ; ldaa_ix 0,x inx ; jsr PUTIT ; pula subd_im 1 bne Loop_e889 ; rts ; ; ; READHX: stx WORK+3 ;L_e899 37 pshb ;L_e89a bd e2 98 jsr GETCH jsr HEXBIN ;L_e8a0 48 asla_thrice asla ;L_e8a4 97 e5 staa WORK+5 ;L_e8a6 bd e2 98 jsr GETCH jsr HEXBIN ;L_e8ac 9a e5 oraa WORK+5 tab addb WORK stab WORK ;L_e8b3 33 pulb ;L_e8b4 de e3 ldx WORK+3 ;L_e8b6 rts ; ; ; CUR_LEFT: dec X_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; TAB: ldab X_COORD addb #bits_per_byte andb #$f8 stab X_COORD ; jmp CURSOR ; ; ; LINEFEED: inc Y_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; CUR_UP: dec Y_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; CUR_RITE: inc X_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; RETURN: clr X_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; CUR_DOWN: ldab Y_COORD incb cmpb SCR_LEN bge skip_e8ea jmp CURSOR skip_e8ea: rts ; ; ; HOME: clr X_COORD clr Y_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; NEWLINE: inc Y_COORD clr X_COORD jmp CURSOR ;L_e8fd 96 df ldaa Y_COORD adda #$20 jsr PUTIT ;L_e904 96 de ldaa X_COORD adda #$20 jmp PUTIT ; ; ; LINE_INS: jsr SCREEN ; ldd_zp TEX_END subd WORK+2 subd PLOT_WID std_zp WORK+6 ; ldd_zp TEX_END std_zp WORK ; subd PLOT_WID std_zp WORK+2 ; ldd_zp WORK+6 lsrd_thrice jsr DMOVE8 jmp L_e9bb ; ; ; LINE_DEL: jsr L_e43a jsr SCREEN ;L_e92f dc e2 ldd_zp WORK+2 std_zp WORK ;L_e933 d3 ac addd_zp_std_zp PLOT_WID, WORK+2 ;L_e937 dc b0 ldd_zp TEX_END subd WORK+2 ;L_e93b 04 lsrd_thrice jsr UMOVE8 ;L_e941 96 df ldaa Y_COORD psha ;L_e944 96 c5 ldaa SCR_LEN deca staa Y_COORD ;L_e949 bd e9 bb jsr L_e9bb ;L_e94c 32 pula staa Y_COORD ;L_e94f 7f 00 de clr X_COORD ;L_e952 7e e4 17 jmp CURSOR ; ; ; CHAR_INS: jsr L_e43a jsr SCREEN ;L_e95b dc e0 ldd_zp WORK std_zp WORK+10 ;L_e95f 96 bd ldaa CHAR_MOD ldab_mul #bits_per_byte std_zp WORK+6 ;L_e966 dc e2 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+2, PLOT_WID, WORK ;L_e96c 93 e6 subd WORK+6 std_zp WORK+2 ;L_e970 dc e2 ldd_zp WORK+2 subd WORK+10 ;L_e974 04 lsrd_thrice jsr DMOVE8 ;L_e97a 86 20 ldaa #$20 ;L_e97c bd e4 f7 jsr PRCH ;L_e97f 7e e4 41 jmp L_e441 ; ; ; CHAR_DEL: jsr L_e43a jsr SCREEN ;L_e988 96 bd ldaa CHAR_MOD ldab_mul #bits_per_byte std_zp WORK+6 ;L_e98f dc e2 ldd_zp WORK+2 addd_zp PLOT_WID subd WORK+6 subd WORK std_zp WORK+8 ;L_e999 dc e0 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK+6, WORK+2 ;L_e99f dc e8 ldd_zp WORK+8 lsrd_thrice jsr UMOVE8 ;L_e9a7 de d0 ldx CUR_POS pshx ;L_e9aa de e0 ldx WORK sei stx CUR_POS ;L_e9af 86 20 ldaa #$20 jsr PRCH ;L_e9b4 38 pulx stx CUR_POS ;L_e9b7 bd e4 41 jsr L_e441 ;L_e9ba rts ; ; ; L_e9bb: jsr L_e43a jsr RETURN ;L_e9c1 de d0 ldx CUR_POS ;L_e9c3 0f sei ;L_e9c4 96 bb ldaa CHAR_BAC staa_ix 0,x ;L_e9c8 7f 00 d2 clr CUR_ON ;L_e9cb df e2 stx WORK+2 inx stx WORK ;L_e9d0 d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID ;L_e9d2 4f clra ;L_e9d3 05 asld_thrice ;L_e9d6 83 00 01 subd_im 1 ;L_e9d9 7e e2 71 jmp UMOVE ; ; ; ERA_SCR: sei ; interrupts off/on ;L_e9dd dc c3 ldd_zp SCR_END subd DISP_BAS ;L_e9e1 04 lsrd_thrice std_zp WORK ;L_e9e6 de e0 ldx WORK ;L_e9e8 d6 bb ldab CHAR_BAC ;L_e9ea 9f e4 sts WORK+4 ; save stack pointer lds SCR_END ; get new stack pointer des ; ; I'm guessing it clears the screen by repeated pushing. ; ; loop_e9ef_pshb_8_times_X: pshb pshb pshb pshb pshb pshb pshb pshb dex bne loop_e9ef_pshb_8_times_X ; ; ; L_e9fa: lds WORK+4 ;L_e9fc 7f 00 d2 clr CUR_ON clr X_COORD clr Y_COORD ;L_ea05 7e e4 17 jmp CURSOR ;L_ea08 bd e4 3a jsr L_e43a ;L_ea0b 96 bb ldaa CHAR_BAC ldx CUR_POS staa_ix 0,x stx WORK+2 ;L_ea13 08 inx stx WORK ;L_ea16 dc b0 ldd_zp TEX_END subd WORK jmp UMOVE ; ; ; DEL_RITE: sei ;L_ea1e bd e4 3a jsr L_e43a ;L_ea21 de d0 ldx CUR_POS ;L_ea23 96 bb ldaa CHAR_BAC staa_ix 0,x ;L_ea27 df e2 stx WORK+2 ;L_ea29 08 inx stx WORK ;L_ea2c d6 c2 ldab CHAR_WID subb X_COORD ldaa CHAR_MOD ;L_ea32 48 asla_thrice mul ;L_ea36 83 00 01 subd_im 1 ;L_ea39 bd e2 71 jsr UMOVE ;L_ea3c 7f 00 d2 clr CUR_ON jmp L_e441 ; ; ; PAGE_DEL: sei ;L_ea43 ldx CUR_POS ldaa CHAR_BAC staa 0,x ;L_ea49 stx WORK+2 ;L_ea4b inx stx WORK ;L_ea4e ldd_zp TEX_END subd WORK ;L_ea52 jsr UMOVE ;L_ea55 clr CUR_ON ;L_ea58 jmp L_e441 ; ; ; L_ea5b: ldab #$3 ;L_ea5d jsr READ ;L_ea60 ldx WORK+16 ;L_ea62 ldaa WORK+18 staa_ix 0,x ;L_ea66 rts ; ; ; L_ea67: ldab #$2 ;L_ea69 jsr READ ;L_ea6c ldx WORK+16 ldaa_ix 0,x ;L_ea70 jsr PUTIT rts ; ; ; L_ea74: addb var_9c,x orab STLI_ON,x orab X_PLOT,x orab CUR_CNT,x stx var_7f,x std_ix var_58,x ;L_ea80 ldx_ix var_2e,x ; ; ; Graphics_functions: jsr GETCH ;L_ea85 psha ;L_ea86 ldab #$4 ;L_ea88 bd e8 29 jsr READ ;L_ea8b pula psha ;L_ea8d anda #mask_bit_0_set bne L_ea9b ;L_ea91 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+16, WORK+12 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+18, WORK+14 ;L_ea99 bra L_eaa7 ; ; ; L_ea9b: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+16, X_PLOT, WORK+12 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+18, Y_PLOT, WORK+14 ; ; ; L_eaa7: pulb ;L_eaa8 andb #$fe ;L_eaaa ldx #$ea74 abx ldx_ix 0,x ;L_eab0 jmp 0,x ;L_eab2 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, WORK+20 std_zp X_PLOT ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, WORK+22 std_zp Y_PLOT ;L_eabe jsr PNT_LOC ;L_eac1 ldd_zp WORK subd DISP_BAS std_zp PLOT_POS ;L_eac7 rts ; ; ; PLOT: ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, WORK+22 jmp L_eb54 ; ; ; RD_PNT: ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, WORK+22 ;L_eadb bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_eade bd eb 31 jsr PNT_MSK ;L_eae1 16 tab ;L_eae2 de e0 ldx WORK ;L_eae4 a4 00 anda 0,x ; ; ; L_eae6: lsrd ;L_eae7 24 fd bcc L_eae6 ;L_eae9 05 asld ;L_eaea 7e e3 32 jmp PUTIT ; ; ; CHK_LIM: ldd_zp WORK+20 blt L_eb0a ;L_eaf1 93 ac subd PLOT_WID bge L_eb0a ;L_eaf5 dc f6 ldd_zp WORK+22 blt L_eb0a ;L_eaf9 93 aa subd PLOT_LEN bge L_eb0a ;L_eafd dc be ldd_zp DASH_MOD ;L_eaff 47 asra rola rolb rola ;L_eb03 dd be std_zp DASH_MOD ;L_eb05 24 03 bcc L_eb0a ;L_eb07 86 ff ldaa #$ff ;L_eb09 rts ; ; ; L_eb0a: clra ;L_eb0b rts ; ; ; PNT_LOC: ldd_zp PLOT_LEN subd WORK+22 subd_im 1 ;L_eb13 04 lsrd lsrd ;L_eb15 37 pshb ;L_eb16 c4 f8 andb #$f8 ;L_eb18 dd e2 std_zp WORK+2 ;L_eb1a 96 c6 ldaa SCR_WID jsr MULT16 ;L_eb1f 33 pulb ;L_eb20 c4 07 andb #7 stab WORK+2 ;L_eb24 dc f4 ldd_zp WORK+20 andb #$f8 addb WORK+2 addd_zp WORK addd_zp DISP_BAS std_zp WORK ;L_eb30 rts ; ; ; PNT_MSK: ldaa #$80 ldab MODE bra L_eb38 ; ; ; L_eb37: asra ; ; ; L_eb38: decb bne L_eb37 ;L_eb3b d6 f5 ldab WORK+21 andb #7 stab WORK+2 ;L_eb41 d6 cf ldab MODE ;L_eb43 5a decb ;L_eb44 53 comb ;L_eb45 d4 e2 andb WORK+2 ;L_eb47 48 asla ; ; ; L_eb48: rora ;L_eb49 5a decb bge L_eb48 ;L_eb4c rts ; ; ; L_eb4d: jsr CHK_LIM ;L_eb50 4d tsta bne L_eb54 rts ; ; ; L_eb54: jsr PNT_LOC jsr PNT_MSK ;L_eb5a d6 cc ldab PLOT_MOD aslb ;L_eb5d ce eb 92 ldx #table_eb92 ; table of function addresses abx ; add offset ldx 0,x jmp 0,x L_eb65: ldx WORK tab anda PLOT_COL comb andb 0,x stab WORK+3 oraa WORK+3 staa 0,x ;L_eb73 rts ; ; L_eb74: ldx WORK anda PLOT_COL eora 0,x staa 0,x ;L_eb7c rts ; ; L_eb7d: ldx WORK tab anda CHAR_BAC comb andb 0,x stab WORK+3 ;L_eb87 9a e3 oraa WORK+3 staa 0,x ;L_eb8b rts ; ; ; L_eb8c: ldx WORK staa 0,x rts ; ; ; L_eb91_rts: rts ; ; ; table_eb92: DW L_eb91_rts DW L_eb74 DW L_eb65 DW L_eb7d DW L_eb8c ; LINE: ldab_stab MODE, WORK+28 ;L_eba0 dc ec ldd_zp WORK+12 subd X_PLOT ;L_eba4 20 02 bra L_eba8 ; ; ; Loop_eba6: asra_rorb ; ; ; L_eba8: ror WORK+28 bcc Loop_eba6 ;L_ebad dd f8 std_zp WORK+24 ;L_ebaf 2d 07 blt skip_ebb8 ;L_ebb1 d6 cf ldab MODE ;L_ebb3 4f clra ;L_ebb4 dd e4 std_zp WORK+4 ;L_ebb6 20 0e bra skip_ebc6 skip_ebb8: ldd_im 0 subd WORK+24 std_zp WORK+24 ;L_ebbf d6 cf ldab MODE negb ;L_ebc2 86 ff ldaa #$ff std_zp WORK+4 ; skip_ebc6: ldd_zp WORK+14 subd Y_PLOT ;L_ebca 47 asra_rorb asra_rorb ;L_ebce dd fa std_zp WORK+26 ;L_ebd0 2d 07 blt skip_ebd9 ;L_ebd2 cc 00 04 ldd_im_std_zp 4, WORK+6 ;L_ebd7 20 0c bra skip_ebe5 ; skip_ebd9: ldd_im 0 subd WORK+26 std_zp WORK+26 ;L_ebe0 cc ff fc ldd_im_std_zp L_fffc, WORK+6 ; ; ; skip_ebe5: ldd_zp WORK+26 subd WORK+24 ;L_ebe9 2c 03 bge skip_ebee ;L_ebeb cc 00 00 ldd_im 0 ; skip_ebee: addd_zp_std_zp WORK+24, WORK+28 ; asra_rorb ; std_zp WORK+16 std_zp WORK+18 ;L_ebf8 dc ec ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, WORK+22 ;L_ec00 bd ea ed jsr CHK_LIM ;L_ec03 97 ff staa WORK+31 ;L_ec05 dc c8 ldd_zp_std_zp X_PLOT, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_ec0d bd ea ed jsr CHK_LIM ;L_ec10 94 ff anda WORK+31 ;L_ec12 26 03 bne skip_ec17 ;L_ec14 7e ec e4 jmp L_ece4 ; ; ; skip_ec17: jsr PNT_LOC ;L_ec1a bd eb 31 jsr PNT_MSK ;L_ec1d 97 e2 staa WORK+2 ;L_ec1f dc ec ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, X_PLOT ;L_ec23 dc ee ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, Y_PLOT ;L_ec27 bd ed 40 jsr L_ed40 ;L_ec2a dc fc ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+28, WORK+12 ;L_ec2e 26 01 bne L_ec31 rts ; ; ; L_ec31: clr WORK+31 ;L_ec34 dc f8 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+24, WORK+16, WORK+16 ;L_ec3a 93 ec subd WORK+12 bcs L_ec7b ;L_ec3e dd f0 std_zp WORK+16 ;L_ec40 7a 00 ff dec WORK+31 ;L_ec43 96 e4 ldaa WORK+4 bge L_ec62 ;L_ec47 4f clra ;L_ec48 d6 e2 ldab WORK+2 ;L_ec4a de e4 ldx WORK+4 ; ; ; L_ec4c: asld ;L_ec4d 08 inx bne L_ec4c ;L_ec50 4d tsta bne L_ec57 ;L_ec53 d7 e2 stab WORK+2 ;L_ec55 20 24 bra L_ec7b ; ; ; L_ec57: staa WORK+2 ;L_ec59 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK subd_im 8 std_zp WORK ;L_ec60 20 19 bra L_ec7b ; ; ; L_ec62: clrb ;L_ec63 96 e2 ldaa WORK+2 ;L_ec65 de e4 ldx WORK+4 ; ; ; L_ec67: lsrd ;L_ec68 09 dex bne L_ec67 ;L_ec6b 5d tstb bne L_ec72 ;L_ec6e 97 e2 staa WORK+2 bra L_ec7b ; ; ; L_ec72: stab WORK+2 ;L_ec74 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK addd_im 8 std_zp WORK ; ; ; L_ec7b: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+26, WORK+18, WORK+18 ;L_ec81 93 ec subd WORK+12 bcs L_ecc0 ;L_ec85 dd f2 std_zp WORK+18 ;L_ec87 dc e6 ldd_zp WORK+6 bgt L_eca2 ;L_ec8b dc e0 ldd_zp WORK addd_im 1 std_zp WORK ;L_ec92 c4 07 andb #7 ;L_ec94 26 2f bne L_ecc5 ;L_ec96 d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID decb ;L_ec99 86 08 ldaa_mul #bits_per_byte ;L_ec9c d3 e0 addd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK ;L_eca0 20 23 bra L_ecc5 ; ; ; L_eca2: ldd_zp WORK subd_im 1 std_zp WORK ;L_eca9 c4 07 andb #7 cmpb #7 ;L_ecad 26 16 bne L_ecc5 ;L_ecaf d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID decb ;L_ecb2 86 08 ldaa_mul #bits_per_byte ;L_ecb5 43 coma comb ;L_ecb7 c3 00 01 addd_im 1 addd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK ;L_ecbe 20 05 bra L_ecc5 ; ; ; L_ecc0: tst WORK+31 beq L_ecc8 ; ; ; L_ecc5: jsr L_ed40 ; ; ; L_ecc8: ldx WORK+28 dex stx WORK+28 ;L_eccd 27 03 beq L_ecd2 ;L_eccf 7e ec 31 jmp L_ec31 ; ; ; L_ecd2: ldd_zp_std_zp X_PLOT, WORK+20 ;L_ecd6 dc ca ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_ecda bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_ecdd dc e0 ldd_zp WORK subd DISP_BAS std_zp PLOT_POS ;L_ece3 rts ; ; ; L_ece4: ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, X_PLOT ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, Y_PLOT ; jsr L_eb4d ; ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+28, WORK+12 ; ; ; L_ecf3: clr WORK+31 ;L_ecf6 dc f8 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+24, WORK+16, WORK+16 ; WORK+16 += WORK+24 ;L_ecfc 93 ec subd WORK+12 bcs skip_ed0b ; std_zp WORK+16 dec WORK+31 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+4, WORK+20, WORK+20; WORK+20 += WORK+4 ; skip_ed0b: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+26, WORK+18, WORK+18; WORK+18 += WORK+26 ;L_ed11 93 ec subd WORK+12 ;L_ed13 25 0a bcs skip_ed1f ;L_ed15 dd f2 std_zp WORK+18 ;L_ed17 dc e6 ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+6, WORK+22, WORK+22; WORK+22 += WORK+26 ;L_ed1d 20 05 bra L_ed24 skip_ed1f: tst WORK+31 ;L_ed22 27 03 beq L_ed27 ; ; ; L_ed24: jsr L_eb4d ; ; ; L_ed27: ldx WORK+28 dex stx WORK+28 ;L_ed2c 26 c5 bne L_ecf3 ;L_ed2e dc c8 ldd_zp X_PLOT std_zp WORK+20 ;L_ed32 dc ca ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_ed36 bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_ed39 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK subd DISP_BAS std_zp PLOT_POS ; rts ; ; ; L_ed40: ldd_zp DASH_MOD ;L_ed42 47 asra rola rolb rola ;L_ed46 dd be std_zp DASH_MOD ;L_ed48 25 01 bcs L_ed4b ;L_ed4a rts ; ; ; L_ed4b: ldaa WORK+2 ;L_ed4d d6 cc ldab PLOT_MOD ;L_ed4f 58 aslb ;L_ed50 ce eb 92 ldx #$eb92 ;L_ed53 3a abx ;L_ed54 ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_ed56 6e 00 jmp 0,x ; ; ; QLINE: ldab_stab MODE, WORK+28 ;L_ed5c d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID ;L_ed5e 5a decb ;L_ed5f 4f clra ;L_ed60 05 asld_thrice ;L_ed63 dd ea std_zp WORK+10 ;L_ed65 dc ec ldd_zp WORK+12 subd X_PLOT ;L_ed69 47 asra_rorb asra_rorb ;L_ed6d 97 e4 staa WORK+4 ;L_ed6f 2c 01 bge L_ed72 ;L_ed71 50 negb ; ; ; L_ed72: stab WORK+24 ;L_ed74 dc ee ldd_zp WORK+14 subd Y_PLOT ;L_ed78 47 asra_rorb asra_rorb ;L_ed7c 97 e6 staa WORK+6 ;L_ed7e 2c 01 bge L_ed81 ;L_ed80 50 negb ; ; ; L_ed81: stab WORK+26 ;L_ed83 d0 f8 subb WORK+24 ;L_ed85 2c 01 bge L_ed88 ;L_ed87 5f clrb ; ; ; L_ed88: addb WORK+24 stab WORK+28 ;L_ed8c 57 asrb ;L_ed8d 26 01 bne L_ed90 ;L_ed8f rts ; ; ; L_ed90: stab WORK+16 stab WORK+18 ;L_ed94 dc c8 ldd_zp_std_zp X_PLOT, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_ed9c bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC jsr PNT_MSK ;L_eda2 97 e2 staa WORK+2 ;L_eda4 dc ec ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+12, X_PLOT ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+14, Y_PLOT ;L_edac 96 e2 ldaa WORK+2 ;L_edae de e0 ldx WORK eora 0,x staa 0,x ;L_edb4 d6 fc ldab_stab WORK+28, WORK+12 ; ; ; L_edb8: ldab WORK+24 addb WORK+16 stab WORK+16 ;L_edbe d0 ec subb WORK+12 bcs L_ede2 ;L_edc2 d7 f0 stab WORK+16 ;L_edc4 d6 e4 ldab WORK+4 bge skip_edd6 ;L_edc8 73 00 e2 com WORK+2 blt L_ede2 ;L_edcd dc e0 ldd_zp WORK subd_im 8 std_zp WORK ;L_edd4 20 0c bra L_ede2 ; skip_edd6: com WORK+2 ;L_edd9 2e 07 bgt L_ede2 ;L_eddb dc e0 ldd_zp WORK addd_im 8 std_zp WORK ; ; ; L_ede2: ldab WORK+26 addb WORK+18 stab WORK+18 ;L_ede8 d0 ec subb WORK+12 bcs L_ee0c ;L_edec d7 f2 stab WORK+18 ;L_edee 96 e6 ldaa WORK+6 bge L_edff ;L_edf2 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK addd_im 1 bitb #7 bne skip_ee0a ;L_edfb d3 ea addd_zp WORK+10 bra skip_ee0a ; ; ; L_edff: ldd_zp WORK ;L_ee01 c5 07 bitb #7 bne skip_ee07 ;L_ee05 93 ea subd WORK+10 ; ; ; skip_ee07: subd_im 1 ; ; ; skip_ee0a: std_zp WORK ; ; ; L_ee0c: ldaa WORK+2 ;L_ee0e de e0 ldx WORK eora 0,x staa 0,x ;L_ee14 7a 00 fc dec WORK+28 ;L_ee17 27 03 beq L_ee1c ;L_ee19 7e ed b8 jmp L_edb8 ; ; ; L_ee1c: ldd_zp_std_zp X_PLOT, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_ee24 bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_ee27 dc e0 ldd_zp WORK subd DISP_BAS std_zp PLOT_POS ;L_ee2d rts ; ; ; FILL: ldab SCR_LEN ;L_ee30 86 20 ldaa_mul #32 ; multiply by 32 (= characters per line?) ;L_ee33 83 00 01 subd_im 1 std_zp WORK ;L_ee38 dc ca ldd_zp Y_PLOT subd WORK+14 ;L_ee3c 2c 03 bge L_ee41 ; if less than, clear to zero ldd_im 0 ; clear to zero ; ; ; L_ee41: addd_zp WORK+14 subd WORK ;L_ee45 2f 03 ble L_ee4a ; if greater than, ldd_im 0 ; clear to zero ; ; ; L_ee4a: addd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK+26 ;L_ee4e 2d 3c blt L_ee8c_rts ;L_ee50 dc ca ldd_zp Y_PLOT ;L_ee52 93 ee subd WORK+14 ble skip_ee59 ; if greater than, ldd_im 0 ; clear to zero skip_ee59: addd_zp WORK+14 subd_im 0 ;L_ee5e 2c 03 bge skip_ee63 ldd_im 0 ; if less than, clear to zero skip_ee63: std_zp WORK+30 ;L_ee65 93 e0 subd WORK bgt L_ee8c_rts ;L_ee69 4f clra ;L_ee6a d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID ;L_ee6c 05 asld_thrice ; D = D/8 = number of bytes? subd_im 1 ; minus 1 std_zp WORK+10 ;L_ee74 dc c8 ldd_zp X_PLOT subd WORK+12 bge L_ee7d ldd_im 0 ; if less than, clear to zero ; ; ; L_ee7d: addd_zp WORK+12 subd WORK+10 ble skip_ee86 ldd_im 0 ; if greater than, clear to zero skip_ee86: addd_zp_std_zp WORK+10, WORK+24 ;L_ee8a 2c 01 bge L_ee8d ; L_ee8c_rts: rts ; ; ; L_ee8d: ldd_zp X_PLOT subd WORK+12 ;L_ee91 2f 03 ble L_ee96 ldd_im 0 ; if greater than, clear to zero ; ; ; L_ee96: addd_zp WORK+12 ;L_ee98 83 00 00 subd_im 0 ;L_ee9b 2c 03 bge L_eea0 ldd_im 0 ; if less than, clear to zero ; ; ; L_eea0: std_zp WORK+28 subd WORK+10 ;L_eea4 2e e6 bgt L_ee8c_rts ;L_eea6 dc ea ldd_zp WORK+10 subd_im 7 std_zp WORK+10 ;L_eead dc fc ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+28, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+30, WORK+22 ;L_eeb5 bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_eeb8 dc e0 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK, WORK+4 ldd_zp WORK+30 lsrd lsrd std_zp WORK+6 ;L_eec2 dc fa ldd_zp WORK+26 lsrd lsrd subd WORK+6 addd_im 1 std_zp WORK+6 ;L_eecd dc fc ldd_zp WORK+28 lsrd_thrice std_zp WORK+16 ;L_eed4 dc f8 ldd_zp WORK+24 lsrd_thrice subd WORK+16 std_zp WORK+16 ;L_eedd 26 13 bne L_eef2 ;L_eedf 96 fd ldaa WORK+29 jsr L_ef45 stab WORK+16 ;L_eee6 96 f9 ldaa WORK+25 jsr L_ef57 ;L_eeeb d4 f0 andb WORK+16 ;L_eeed d7 e2 stab WORK+2 ;L_eeef 7e ef 2c jmp L_ef2c ; ; ; L_eef2: ldaa WORK+28 ;L_eef4 84 07 anda #7 ;L_eef6 91 cf cmpa MODE ;L_eef8 2d 11 blt L_ef0b ;L_eefa bd ef 45 jsr L_ef45 stab WORK+2 ;L_eeff bd ef 2c jsr L_ef2c ;L_ef02 dc fc ldd_zp WORK+28 ;L_ef04 c4 f8 andb #$f8 ;L_ef06 c3 00 08 addd_im 8 ;L_ef09 dd fc std_zp WORK+28 ; ; ; L_ef0b: ldx WORK+16 ;L_ef0d 86 ff ldaa_staa #$ff, WORK+2 ; ; ; L_ef11: pshx jsr L_ef2c pulx ;L_ef16 09 dex bne L_ef11 ;L_ef19 96 f8 ldaa WORK+24 ; %1111 1000 ;L_ef1b 84 07 anda #7 ; %0000 0111 ;L_ef1d 9b cf adda MODE ;L_ef1f 81 07 cmpa #7 ;L_ef21 2c 08 bge L_ef2b_rts ;L_ef23 bd ef 57 jsr L_ef57 ;L_ef26 d7 e2 stab WORK+2 ;L_ef28 bd ef 2c jsr L_ef2c ; ; ; L_ef2b_rts: rts ; ; ; L_ef2c: ldd_zp_std_zp WORK+4, WORK ;L_ef30 c3 00 08 addd_im 8 ;L_ef33 dd e4 std_zp WORK+4 ;L_ef35 de e6 ldx WORK+6 loop_ef37: ldaa WORK+2 ;L_ef39 3c pshx ;L_ef3a bd ef 66 jsr L_ef66 jsr L_ef71 ;L_ef40 38 pulx ;L_ef41 09 dex ;L_ef42 26 f3 bne loop_ef37 ;L_ef44 rts ; ; ; L_ef45: nega ;L_ef46 80 08 suba #bits_per_byte ;L_ef48 d6 cf ldab MODE ;L_ef4a 5a decb ;L_ef4b 53 comb ;L_ef4c d7 e3 stab WORK+3 ;L_ef4e 94 e3 anda WORK+3 ;L_ef50 5f clrb ; Loop_ef51: sec rolb deca bne Loop_ef51 ;L_ef56 rts ; ; ; L_ef57: ldab MODE ;L_ef59 5a decb ;L_ef5a 53 comb ;L_ef5b d7 e3 stab WORK+3 ;L_ef5d 94 e3 anda WORK+3 ;L_ef5f 5f clrb loop_ef60: sec ;L_ef61 56 rorb inca bne loop_ef60 rts ; ; ; L_ef66: ldab PLOT_MOD ;L_ef68 58 aslb ;L_ef69 ce eb 92 ldx #$eb92 ;L_ef6c 3a abx ;L_ef6d ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_ef6f 6e 00 jmp 0,x ; ; ; L_ef71: ldd_zp WORK ;L_ef73 c5 07 bitb #7 ;L_ef75 26 02 bne L_ef79 ;L_ef77 93 ea subd WORK+10 ; ; ; L_ef79: subd_im 1 ;L_ef7c dd e0 std_zp WORK ;L_ef7e rts ; ; ; ARC: ldd_zp WORK+12 subd X_PLOT std_zp WORK+24 ;L_ef85 dc ee ldd_zp WORK+14 subd Y_PLOT std_zp WORK+27 ;L_ef8b c6 02 ldab #2 jsr READ ; clr WORK+26 clr WORK+29 ; Loop_ef96: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+24, X_PLOT, WORK+20; WORK+20 = WORK+24 + X_PLOT ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+27, Y_PLOT, WORK+22; WORK+22 = WORK+27 + Y_PLOT ; jsr L_eb4d ; ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp WORK+27, WORK+25, WORK+25; WORK+25 += WORK+27 ;L_efab d6 f8 ldab WORK+24 ;L_efad c9 00 adcb #$0 ;L_efaf 96 fb ldaa WORK+27 ;L_efb1 48 asla ;L_efb2 c2 00 sbcb #$0 ;L_efb4 d7 f8 stab WORK+24 ;L_efb6 dc fc ldd_zp WORK+28 subd WORK+24 std_zp WORK+28 ;L_efbc d6 fb ldab WORK+27 sbcb #$0 ;L_efc0 96 f8 ldaa WORK+24 asla adcb #$0 stab WORK+27 ;L_efc7 dc f0 ldd_zp WORK+16 subd_im 1 std_zp WORK+16 ;L_efce 26 c6 bne Loop_ef96 rts ; ; ; ; Does not look like code: ; PLOT_INC: jsr GETCH ;L_efd4 16 tab ;L_efd5 58 aslb ;L_efd6 ce f0 1d ldx #$f01d ;L_efd9 3a abx ;L_efda ee 00 ldx 0,x ;L_efdc 6e 00 jmp 0,x ;L_efde 7e f0 85 jmp INC_PLOT ; ; ; INC_1: jsr X_INC jsr Y_INC jmp INC_PLOT ;L_efea bd f0 2f jsr X_INC jmp INC_PLOT ; ; ; INC_3: jsr X_INC jsr Y_DEC jmp INC_PLOT ;L_eff9 bd f0 55 jsr Y_DEC jmp INC_PLOT ; ; ; INC_5: jsr X_DEC jsr Y_DEC jmp INC_PLOT ;L_f008 bd f0 42 jsr X_DEC jmp INC_PLOT ; ; ; INC_7: jsr X_DEC jsr Y_INC ; ; ; L_f014: jmp INC_PLOT ;L_f017 bd f0 6d jsr Y_INC jmp INC_PLOT ; ; ; L_f01d: stx X_COORD,x stx WORK+1,x stx WORK+10,x stx WORK+16,x stx WORK+25,x stx WORK+31,x ;L_f029 f0 08 f0 subb $08f0 ;L_f02c 0e cli ;L_f02d f0 17 dc subb $17dc ; ; ; X_INC equ $f02f ; midway into an instruction? ; ; ;L_f030 c8 c3 eorb #$c3 ;L_f032 00 DB $00 ; 00000000 ;L_f033 04 lsrd ;L_f034 dd c8 std_zp X_PLOT ;L_f036 c5 04 bitb #$4 ;L_f038 26 07 bne L_f041 ;L_f03a dc ae ldd_zp PLOT_POS ;L_f03c c3 00 08 addd_im 8 ;L_f03f dd ae std_zp PLOT_POS ; ; ; L_f041: rts ; ; ; X_DEC: ldd_zp X_PLOT subd_im 4 std_zp X_PLOT ;L_f049 c5 04 bitb #$4 beq L_f054 ;L_f04d dc ae ldd_zp PLOT_POS subd_im 8 ;L_f052 dd ae std_zp PLOT_POS L_f054: rts ; ; ; Y_DEC: ldd_zp Y_PLOT subd_im 4 std_zp Y_PLOT ;L_f05c dc ae ldd_zp PLOT_POS addd_im 1 ;L_f061 c5 07 bitb #7 bne L_f06a ;L_f065 d3 ac addd_zp PLOT_WID subd_im 8 ; ; ; L_f06a: std_zp PLOT_POS rts ; ; ; Y_INC: ; ;Y_INC dc ca ldd_zp Y_PLOT addd_im 4 std_zp Y_PLOT ;L_f074 dc ae ldd_zp PLOT_POS bitb #7 bne L_f07f ;L_f07a 93 ac subd PLOT_WID addd_im 8 ; ; ; L_f07f: subd_im 1 std_zp PLOT_POS rts ; ; ; INC_PLOT: ldd_zp_addd_zp_std_zp PLOT_POS, DISP_BAS, WORK ;L_f08b de e0 ldx WORK ;L_f08d 86 f0 ldaa #$f0 ldab X_PLOT+1 ;L_f091 c5 04 bitb #$4 beq skip_f096 coma skip_f096: ; eora 0,x staa 0,x rts ; ; ; GSX: rts ; ; ; HEXBIN: suba #$30 blt L_f0ac ; cmpa #$17 bcc L_f0ad ; cmpa #$a bcs L_f0ab ; suba #7 rts ; ; ; L_f0ab: DB $0c ; 00001100 ; ; ; L_f0ac: rts ; ; ; L_f0ad: sec rts ; ; ; SET_REG: ; write to 6845 register staa THE_6845_REG_SEL stab THE_6845_DATA rts ; ; This is a table of data ; for initialising the 16 registers of the 6845 ; but the values do not look plausible. ; ; Perhaps table for 6845 registers? ; ; ; ; if 224 cycles in 64 us, ; 244 / 64 = 3.5 MHz ; 3.5 * 8 = 28 MHz ; ; If f_clock = 26.75 MHz, ; f_clock/8 = 3.34375 MHz, ; cycles per line = 3.34375 * 64 = 214 = D6 hex ; ; If f_clock = 27.75 MHz, (ideal PAL) ; f_clock/8 = 3.46875 MHz, ; cycles per line = 3.46875 * 64 = 222 = DE hex ; ; The manual says: ; ; Line period 64 µs ; Frame period 20 ms ; Line blanking 12 µs ; Frame blanking 24 lines ; Video bandwidth Mode 4: - 6.2 MHz ; Mode 2: - 12.3 MHz ; Mode 1: - 24.6 MHz ; ; table_f0b6: DB 16 ; number of entries in table ; db $00, 224 ; Horizontal Total: 224 bytes per line? db $01, SETWID ; Horizontal Displayed: 160 characters? db $02, 175 ; Horizontal Sync Position: at 175 db $03, $4f ; Horizontal Sync Width: db $04, 40 ; Vertical Total: 40 db $05, 8 ; Vert. Total Adjust8 db $06, SETLEN ; Vertical Displayed: 32 db $07, 37 ; Vertical Sync. Postion: 37 db $08, 16 ; Interlace mode: 16 db $09, 7 ; Max Scan Line Address: 7 db $0a, $60 ; Cursor Start: db $0b, $07 ; Cursor End: db $0c, 4 ; Start Address High: db $0d, 0 ; Start Address Low: db $0e, 4 ; Cursor MSB: db $0f, 0 ; Cursor LSB: ; These are example values for the Elektor VDU ;in 80 x 24 character mode ; reg ; 0 = $80 HORIZONTAL TOTAL - 1 = 129-1 CHAR. ; 1 = $50 HORIZONTAL DISPLAYED = 80 CHAR. ; 2 = $60 HORIZONTAL - SYNC. POSITION = 96 CHAR. ; 3 = $08 VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL. SYNC WIDTH = 16/8 ; 4 = $22 VERTICAL TOTAL -1 = 34 CHAR. LINES ; 5 = $00 VERTICAL TOTAL ADJ. = 0 * 6.4 MICRO SEC. ; 6 = $18 VERTICAL DISPLAYED = 24 LINES ; 7 = $1C VERTICAL SYNC. POSITION = 29 CHAR. LINES ; 8 = $00 MODE CONTROL ; 9 = $08 SCAN LINES - 1 = 9 - 1 ; a = $00 CURSOR START ; b = $09 CURSOR END ; c = $00 DISPLAY START (NOT NEEDED) ; d = $00 ; e = $00 CURSOR POSITION (NOT NEEDED) ; f = $00 ; = $50 CHARACTERS/LINE ; = $18 LINES/SCREEN ; ; ESC_0_rts: ESC_1_rts: ESC_2_rts: ESC_3_rts: ESC_4_rts: ESC_5_rts: ESC_6_rts: ESC_7_rts: ESC_8_rts: ESC_9_rts: ESC_10_rts: ESC_11_rts: ESC_12_rts: ESC_13_rts: ESC_14_rts: ESC_15_rts: ESC_16_rts: ESC_17_rts: ESC_18_rts: ESC_19_rts: ESC_20_rts: ESC_21_rts: ESC_22_rts: ESC_23_rts: ESC_24_rts: ESC_25_rts: ESC_26_rts: ESC_27_rts: ESC_28_rts: ESC_29_rts: ESC_30_rts: ESC_31_rts: ESC_32_rts: ESC_33_rts: ESC_34_rts: ESC_35_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_36_set_GRAPH_ON: ldaa_staa #$ff, GRAPH_ON rts ; ; ; ESC_37_clr_GRAPH_ON: clr GRAPH_ON rts ; ; ; ESC_38_Set_palette_colour: sei ;L_f0e2 96 cf ldaa MODE cmpa #$2 ble L_f102 ;L_f0e8 c6 10 ldab #$10 ;L_f0ea bd e8 29 jsr READ ;L_f0ed ce 00 f0 ldx #$f0 stx WORK+2 ;L_f0f2 ce 18 70 ldx_stx #PALT_TBL, WORK ;L_f0f7 cc 00 10 ldd_im $10 ;L_f0fa bd e2 71 jsr UMOVE ;L_f0fd 86 ff ldaa_staa #$ff, PALT_FLG ;L_f101 rts ; ; ; L_f102: ldab #4 ;L_f104 bd e8 29 jsr READ ;L_f107 dc f0 ldd_zp WORK+16 ldx WORK+18 ;L_f10b fd 18 70 std PALT_TBL stx PALT_TBL+2 std PALT_TBL+4 stx PALT_TBL+6 std PALT_TBL+8 stx PALT_TBL+10 std PALT_TBL+12 stx PALT_TBL+14 ;L_f123 86 ff ldaa_staa #$ff, PALT_FLG ;L_f127 rts ; ; ; ESC_39_Set_whole_palette: sei ;L_f129 c6 02 ldab #$2 ; ; ; L_f12b: jsr READ ;L_f12e ce 18 70 ldx #PALT_TBL ;L_f131 d6 f0 ldab WORK+16 ; ; ; L_f133: andb #$f ;L_f135 3a abx ;L_f136 d6 f1 ldab WORK+17 stab 0,x ;L_f13a 96 cf ldaa MODE cmpa #2 bgt L_f146 ;L_f140 e7 04 stab 4,x ;L_f142 e7 08 stab 8,x ;L_f144 e7 0c stab Output_Compare_Register_low_byte,x ; ; ; L_f146: ldaa_staa #$ff, PALT_FLG ;L_f14a 0e cli rts ; ; ; ESC_40_Half_intensity_off: ldaa #1 ;L_f14e bd f4 08 jsr_staa L_f408, CHAR_COL rts ; ; ; ESC_41_Half_intensity_on: ldab MODE ldaa #1 ; ; ; Loop_f158: asla decb bne Loop_f158 ; deca bne skip_f160 inca skip_f160: jsr_staa L_f408, CHAR_COL rts ; ; ; ESC_42_Scroll_block_left: jmp L_e6e5 ; ; ; ESC_43_Scroll_block_right: jmp L_e713 ; ; ; ESC_44_rts: ESC_45_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_46_Set_cursor_style: jsr GETCH ;L_f170 5f clrb suba #$30 bne L_f17c ;L_f175 36 psha ;L_f176 bd e4 3a jsr L_e43a ;L_f179 c6 ff ldab #$ff ;L_f17b 32 pula ; ; ; L_f17c: stab CUR_OFF ;L_f17e 5f clrb ;L_f17f 81 01 cmpa #1 bne skip_f185 ldab #$40 skip_f185: stab CUR_CNT rts ; ; ; ESC_47_rts: ESC_48_rts: ESC_49_rts: ESC_50_rts: ESC_51_rts: ESC_52_rts: ESC_53_rts: ESC_54_rts: ESC_55_rts: ESC_56_rts: ESC_57_rts: ESC_58_rts: ESC_59_rts: ESC_60_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_61_Move_cursor: jsr GETCH suba_staa #$20, Y_COORD ;L_f190 bd e2 98 jsr GETCH suba_staa #$20, X_COORD ;L_f197 7e e4 17 jmp CURSOR ; ; ; ESC_62_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_63_Read_text_cursor_position: ldaa X_COORD ;L_f19d 8b 20 adda #$20 ;L_f19f bd e3 32 jsr PUTIT ;L_f1a2 96 df ldaa Y_COORD adda #$20 jmp PUTIT ; ; ; ESC_64_Write_a_byte_to_memory_or_device: jmp L_ea5b ; ; ; ESC_65_Load_data_into_memory: jmp L_e869 ; ; ; ESC_66_Read_data_from_6803_memory: jmp L_e880 ; ; ; ESC_67_Scroll_left_one_raster: jmp LEFSCR ; ; ; ESC_68_Scroll_right_one_raster: jmp RIGSCR ; ; ; ESC_69_Insert_line: jmp LINE_INS ; ; ; ESC_70: ldaa_staa #$ff, CTRL_ON rts ESC_71_Set_printing_style: jsr GETCH ;L_f1c3 16 tab ;L_f1c4 c4 01 andb #mask_bit_0_set ;L_f1c6 27 02 beq L_f1ca ;L_f1c8 c6 ff ldab #$ff ; ; ; L_f1ca: stab INVIS_ON ;L_f1cc 16 tab ;L_f1cd c4 02 andb #mask_bit_1_set beq skip_f1d3 ldab #$ff skip_f1d3: stab FLASH_ON ;L_f1d5 16 tab andb #%00000011 beq skip_f1dc ; ; ; L_f1da: ldab #$ff ; ; ; skip_f1dc: stab RVRSE_ON ;L_f1de 16 tab andb #mask_bit_2_set beq L_f1e5 ldab #$ff ; ; ; L_f1e5: stab UDLIN_ON rts ; ; ; ESC_81_Insert_character: jmp CHAR_INS ; ; ; ESC_82_Delete_line: jmp LINE_DEL ; ; ; ESC_83_Graphics_functions: jmp Graphics_functions ; ; ; ESC_84_Erase_to_end_of_line: jmp DEL_RITE ESC_85_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_86_Display_test_pattern: ldx_stx #L_f1ff, SUB_PTR ;L_f1fa 86 65 ldaa_staa #$65, SUB_CNT rts ; ; ; L_f1ff: DW $1b63 ;L_f200 DW $1b65 ;L_f203 DB 8 ;L_f204 DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF DB LF ; ;L_f20d DB SP,SP,SP,SP,SP ; five spaces ; ;L_f212 DB "Arcom SGT1" DB CR, LF, LF, LF ; ;L_f220 DB SP,SP,SP ; 3 spaces DB "Graphics Board" DB CR, LF, LF ; ;F234: DB $1B, $65, $04, $1B ; d....e.. ;F238: DB $5F, $05, SP, SP, SP, SP, SP, SP ; _. ;F240: DB "Firmware Version", SP DB VERS+"0" DB ". Issue", SP DB ISSUE+"0" DB ".", CR, LF ;F25E: ; ; This is probably data: ; org $f25e ;L_f25e ;DB 0x65,0x20,0x33,0x2E,0x0D,0x0A DB 0x1E,0x1B DB 0x5E,0xF2,0x64,0x85,0x1B,0x6D,0x01,0x1B DB 0x53,0x02,0x03,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x1B,0x53 DB 0x0D,0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xA0,0x1B,0x6D,0x02 DB 0x1B,0x53,0x03,0xFF,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x1B DB 0x53,0x0D,0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xA0,0x1B,0x6D DB 0x03,0x1B,0x53,0x03,0xFF,0x60,0x00,0x00 DB 0x1B,0x53,0x0D,0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xA0,0x1B DB 0x6D,0x04,0x1B,0x53,0x03,0xFF,0x60,0x00 DB 0x00,0x1B,0x53,0x0D,0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xA0 ; F2A8 DB 0x1B,0x6D,0x05,0x1B,0x53,0x03,0xFF,0x60 DB 0x00,0x00,0x1B,0x53,0x0D,0x00,0xA0,0x00 DB 0xA0,0x1B,0x6D,0x06,0x1B,0x53,0x03,0xFF DB 0x60,0x00,0x00,0x1B,0x53,0x0D,0x00,0xA0 DB 0x00,0xA0,0x1B,0x6D,0x07,0x1B,0x53,0x02 DB 0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x1B,0x53,0x0D,0x00 DB 0x9C,0x00,0xA0,0x1B,0x58,0x1B,0x53,0x02 DB 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1B,0x63,0x1B,0x5F ; F2E8 DB 0x0F ; ; ; ESC_87_Delete_character: jmp CHAR_DEL ; ; ; ESC_88_Wait_for_read_operation: clra jmp PUTIT ; ; ; ESC_89_Erase_to_end_of_page: jmp PAGE_DEL ; ; ; ESC_90_Step_graphics_cursor: jmp PLOT_INC ; ; ; ESC_91_Set_cursor_row_address: jsr GETCH suba_staa #$20, Y_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; ESC_92_Read_a_byte_from_memory_or_device: jmp L_ea67 ; ; ; ESC_93_Set_cursor_column_address: jsr GETCH suba_staa #$20, X_COORD jmp CURSOR ; ; ; ESC_94_Submit_command_sequence: L_f30d: jmp L_e744 ; ; ; ESC_95_Set_printing_colour: L_f310: jsr GETCH jsr_staa L_f408, CHAR_COL rts ; ; ; ESC_96_Set_background_colour: jsr GETCH jsr_staa L_f408, CHAR_BAC rts ; ; ; ESC_97_Read_graphics_cursor_position: ldaa_jsr X_PLOT, PUTIT ldaa_jsr X_PLOT+1, PUTIT ldaa_jsr Y_PLOT, PUTIT ldaa_jmp Y_PLOT+1, PUTIT ; ; ; ESC_98_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_99_Clear_Screen: jmp ERA_SCR ; ; ; ESC_100_rts: rts ; ; ; ESC_101_Set_colour_mode: jsr L_e43a jsr GETCH ;L_f341 97 cf staa MODE ; ; ; L_f343: cmpa #1 bgt skip_f348 inca skip_f348: ; ldaa PORT1 ; ldab_stab MODE, CHAR_MOD ; cmpb #2 bgt L_f35d ; anda #$bf cmpb #1 bgt L_f35f ; inc CHAR_MOD bra L_f35f ; ; ; L_f35d: oraa #$40 ; ; ; L_f35f: staa PORT1 staa Port_1_Data_Register ;L_f363 96 c6 ldaa SCR_WID ldab CHAR_MOD ;L_f367 54 lsrb ; ; ; L_f368: lsrd bcc L_f368 ;L_f36b 97 c2 staa CHAR_WID ;L_f36d 7e e4 17 jmp CURSOR ; ; ; ESC_102_Write_to_status_line: jmp L_e49b ; ; ; ESC_103_Status_line_on: jmp L_e47d ; ; ; ESC_104_Set_a_6845_register: ldab_jsr #2, READ ldaa WORK+16 ldab WORK+17 jmp SET_REG; ; ; ; ESC_105: ldab #$10 rts ; ; ; ESC_106_Set_up_screen_size: ldab_jsr #2, READ ldab_stab WORK+16, SCR_WID ldaa_jsr #1, SET_REG; ldab_stab WORK+17, SCR_LEN ldaa_jsr #6, SET_REG; ; ldaa_mul SCR_WID asld_thrice addd_zp_std_zp DISP_BAS, SCR_END std_zp TEX_END ;L_f3a8 7f 00 b2 clr STLI_ON ;L_f3ab d6 c5 ldab SCR_LEN ldaa_mul #bits_per_byte std_zp PLOT_LEN ;L_f3b2 d6 c6 ldab SCR_WID ldaa_mul #bits_per_byte std_zp PLOT_WID ;L_f3b9 dc c8 ldd_zp_std_zp X_PLOT, WORK+20 ldd_zp_std_zp Y_PLOT, WORK+22 ;L_f3c1 bd eb 0c jsr PNT_LOC ;L_f3c4 dc e0 ldd_zp_std_zp WORK, PLOT_POS ;L_f3c8 96 cf ldaa_jmp MODE, L_f343 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