#setting # client id from https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/create client_id="" # client secret from https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/create client_secret="" # grant type Must be client_credentials # https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication/getting-tokens-oauth#oauth-client-credentials-flow grant_type="client_credentials" # scope for hype train only # https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication#scopes scope="channel:read:hype_train" # channel username username="[twitch channel name]" # time to wait between request if the user not streaming user_offline_wait_time=30 #60 seconds. # time to wait between request if the user streaming online_user_wait_time=10 #10 seconds. # time to check if the token is valid token_validate_interval=60*60*1 #1 hour # maximum number of skipping when there is a problem before the program stop max_skip_count=5 # cooldown time before sending a new request when an error happens. skip_wait_time=5 #5 seconds # max time in seconds for a subscription or follow event to be active after the event relative to UTC # NB: time set should include allowances for other configuration intervals ie online_user_wait_time event_notification_delay=15 #15 seconds # enable specific relay functions - 1 = on and 0 = off # this will not disable the API calls associated that will trigger the relay only turn the relay setting function on and off enable_stream=1 #enable relay 1 use enable_hype=1 #enable relay 2-6 use enable_follow=1 #enable relay 7 use enable_spare=0 #enable relay 8 use # enable verbose mode for printing messages direct to console (1) or log files (0) verbose_mode=0