""" python-kasa smart plug control turns on light at sunset, off at a specified time. Typically this code sleeps hours and wakes up twice a day to do some activity. Just like a cat! Tested with a EP10 device. OS tested: Windows 10, Ubuntu 22.04, Raspberry Pi OS 11 (bullseye) on Pi 3B+. User supplies: 1) smart plug name (alias). Use kasa CLI to provision. This is optional but convenient. 2) lat/lon (use google map) 3) off time (24 hr, hh:mm) 4) adj min before/after sunset (+/- up to 15 min or so) When running on Pi want to run in background at boot, probably as a cron @reboot item. LOGIC: On startup, compare local time to on/off time and today's sunset, and turn plug on/off accordingly (in case Pi reboot.) plug_state = on/off main loop: if plug_state=on, calc S seconds to off time else, calc S seconds to on time (sunset) with any adjust sleep S seconds (awaken) flip plug_state state plug = plug_state (on/off) Errors: Not much error checking, exits if plug isn't found. Not sure what happens during DST on/off transition. Might work ok or be off an hour that day. Modules likely needing install: pip install suntime pip install python-kasa ------------------------ provisioning notes --------------------------------------------- For kasa CLI commands, refer to https://python-kasa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.html#provisioning First find the plug's wifi and connect to its network, its wifi SSID ends with its 4-digit MAC. Example: TP-LINK_Smart Plug_8714 Provision to your main router on >kasa --host wifi join 'your network SSID' --password routerspasswordorhexdigits Shorten alias name: >kasa --alias "TP-LINK_Smart Plug_8714" alias "Plug_8714" Test, turn on: >kasa --alias "Plug_8714" on """ import platform import asyncio import sys import datetime from suntime import Sun from kasa import ( Discover, SmartPlug, ) # provisioned already, with alias my_alias = "Plug_8714" # from google map latitude = 33.0 longitude = -117.3 # timer settings off_24time_hr = 0 off_24time_min = 5 on_adjust_minutes = -5 # turn on a few min before/after sunset, or leave at 0 if not used. Negative adjust is before sunset. def get_sleep_until(hour: int, minute: int): """ get seconds until specific hour, minute (from stackoverflow) Args: hour (int): Hour minute (int): Minute """ t = datetime.datetime.today() future = datetime.datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day, hour, minute) if t.timestamp() > future.timestamp(): future += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return (future - t).total_seconds() # returns host IP from alias, no async, from CLI code def find_host_from_alias2(alias, target="", timeout=1, attempts=3): """Discover a device identified by its alias.""" for attempt in range(1, attempts): found_devs = asyncio.run(Discover.discover(target=target, timeout=timeout)) for ip, dev in found_devs.items(): if dev.alias.lower() == alias.lower(): host = dev.host return host return None # True=turn on plug, else turn off async def plug_on_off(plug, pstate=False): if pstate: await plug.turn_on() else: await plug.turn_off() await plug.update() print(plug.state_information) # call asyncio.run() once from main(), so all plug comm is in this loop, never returns. async def plug_loop(plug): await plug.update() # always update once before using t = datetime.datetime.today() # now ss = get_sunset() ss += datetime.timedelta(minutes=on_adjust_minutes) ot = datetime.datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day, off_24time_hr, off_24time_min) # off time if ss.timestamp() > ot.timestamp(): ot += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # off time occurs tomorrow # upon boot determine if plug should be on or off (initial state) if ss.timestamp() < t.timestamp() < ot.timestamp(): pstate = True # turn on if now is between sunset and off time. else: pstate = False # turn off if now is past off time and before sunset. # main on/off-sleep loop while True: await plug_on_off(plug, pstate) if pstate: # calc S seconds to off time from now, to turn off s = get_sleep_until(off_24time_hr, off_24time_min) print("sleeping", s, "seconds until off") # upon wake up, turn off plug pstate = False else: # calc S seconds to sunset from now, to turn on. # if now is past sunset but before 00:00 then calc tomorrow's sunset. t = datetime.datetime.today() ss = get_sunset() ss += datetime.timedelta(minutes=on_adjust_minutes) if t.timestamp() > ss.timestamp(): t += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # on time occurs tomorrow ss = get_sunset(t) ss += datetime.timedelta(minutes=on_adjust_minutes) s = get_sleep_until(ss.hour, ss.minute) print("sleeping", s, "seconds until on") # upon wake up, turn on plug pstate = True await asyncio.sleep(s) def get_sunset(date=None): """ gets local sunset time with optional date. The default date (not time) fields returned is always yesterday...not sure why, so adjust it to today, or the specified date. Note: I tested this in Jan (standard time). """ sun = Sun(latitude, longitude) today_ss = sun.get_local_sunset_time(date) if date is None: date = datetime.datetime.today() today_ss = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, today_ss.hour, today_ss.minute) # convert to today's/specified sunset time/date return today_ss if __name__ == "__main__": # Windows async config: https://github.com/python-kasa/python-kasa/issues/315 if platform.system() == 'Windows': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) host = find_host_from_alias2(my_alias) if host is None: print("Plug ", my_alias, " not found") sys.exit(1) print(my_alias, " @ ", host) plug = SmartPlug(host) # won't return asyncio.run(plug_loop(plug))