import requests import base64, struct, codecs, folium from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import json import pytz import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # This script has been tested on python 3.6 ######################################################################################################################## # Astrocast API credentials/keys apiToken = "" deviceGuid = "" # Ublox Thingstream MQTT credentials/keys hostname = "" device_id = "device:" username = "" password = "" startReceivedDate = "2022-10-1T00:00:00" filename = "data" ######################################################################################################################## # Global variables latitude = float("nan") # Latitude of the tracker in [deg] longitude = float("nan") # Longitude of the tracker in [deg] battery = float("nan") # Battery voltage in [V] temperature = float("nan") # Temperature of the tracker in [degC] locationDate = float("nan") # UNIX epoch of the measurement in [s] SIV = float("nan") # Number of satellites visible [cnt] gSpeed = float("nan") # Ground speed in [m/s] def message_handler(client, userdata, message): json_resp = message.payload.decode('utf-8') print(f"received message (Server): {json_resp}") print(f"message topic (Server): {message.topic}") print(f"message QoS: {message.qos}") json_resp = json.loads(json_resp) if "Lat" in json_resp: global latitude, longitude latitude = json_resp["Lat"] longitude = json_resp["Lon"] # calling disconnect will cause blocking loop to exit, effectively ending the program client.disconnect() # Get data from API response = requests.get("" + str(startReceivedDate) + "&deviceGuid=" + str(deviceGuid), headers={"X-Api-Key": str(apiToken)}) # Format data out_dict = {} out_entry_idx = 0 if response.status_code == 200: if len(response.json()) > 0: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(response.json()) for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = base64.b64decode( if len(data) == 12: # AstroTracker protocol V1 latitude = row.latitude longitude = row.longitude temperature = int(data[0:2], 16) battery = int(data[2:4], 16) / 10 locationDate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(struct.unpack(" 8192: print("Cannot send MQTT message greater than 8KB. Please reduce the number of EPOCHS in configuration parameters to reduce the size.") exit() # Configure MQTT client client = mqtt.Client(device_id) client.username_pw_set(username=username, password=password) client.connect(hostname) client.on_message = message_handler # Subscribe to topic if mqtt_sub_topic: client.subscribe(mqtt_sub_topic) # Publish message client.publish(mqtt_pub_topic, mqtt_msg) print(f"message published (client): {mqtt_msg} ") # Wait for a position back from CloudLocate client.loop_forever() out_dict[out_entry_idx] = {"latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude, "battery": battery, "temperature": temperature, "locationDate": locationDate, "SIV": SIV, "gSpeed": gSpeed} out_entry_idx = out_entry_idx + 1 else: print("There is no message.") else: print("Error, something is wrong in the request.") # Export data to CSV out_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict, "index") out_df = out_df.sort_values(by='locationDate') out_df = out_df[out_df['latitude'].notna()] out_df.to_csv(filename + ".csv") # Plot data in a map points = [] for index, row in out_df.iterrows(): points.append(tuple([row['latitude'], row['longitude']])) my_map = folium.Map(location=[out_df['latitude'].mean(), out_df['longitude'].mean()], zoom_start=14) for each in points: folium.Marker(each).add_to(my_map) folium.PolyLine(points, color="red", weight=2.5, opacity=1).add_to(my_map) + ".html")