Connections Multi-T Explanation is with mask text upsite down 1 Eprom Board connection : placed on the right site of the main board. pin numbers from down to up 1 to 21 1 A14 74LS30 pen 4 2 A15 74LS30 pen 5 3 A13 74LS30 pen 3 4 A12 74LS30 pen 2 5 A11 74LS30 pen 1 6 A10 2516 pen 19 7 + 5V V+ VCC 74LS30 pen 14,11,12 74LS373 pen 20, 2516 pen 24,21 8 A9 2516 pen 22 9 A8 2516 pen 23 10 AD0 2516 pen 9 74LS373 pen 3 > 2 2516 pen 8 11 AD1 2516 pen 10 74LS373 pen 18 > 19 2516 pen 7 12 AD2 2516 pen 11 74LS373 pen 17 > 16 2516 pen 6 13 AD3 2516 pen 13 74LS373 pen 4 > 5 2516 pen 5 14 AD4 2516 pen 14 74LS373 pen 7 > 6 2516 pen 4 15 AD5 2516 pen 15 74LS373 pen 14 > 15 2516 pen 3 16 AD6 2516 pen 16 74LS373 pen 13 > 12 2516 pen 2 17 AD7 2516 pen 17 74LS373 pen 8 > 9 2516 pen 1 18 //Enable 2516 pen20 19 /Alatch 74LS373 pen 11 20 R/W 74LS30 pen 6 >>>>>>>> 8 2516 pen 18 /CE 21 Ground V- VSS 74LS30 pen 7 74LS373 pen 10 2516 pen 12 nb It could be a 64K ram with battery backup and disabling the first 512 bytes for the internal first 128 bytes or 256 (7002) registers (is internal ram) above 100 there is I/O until 117 if it is not I/O (P24 to P255) you can use it for ram (even in between (P 8 to P12) in memory exp. and Microprocessory mode). 2 P1 Presure Censor Bridge input Connection placed on the back at the right site hor on up 6/7 of the board numbering from left to right 1 to 5 1 - input 2 + power 3 + input 4 - power 5 ground for screening 3 P2 PS , PS/on , Handle (counts exercise) ,Ser In and out , , Haert Beeat in , presure up & down Connection placed on the back at the left site hor on up 2/3 of the board numbering from richt to left 1 to 10 1 return keys to i/o A0anode V4 and anode V3 and R10 to V+ v4 from power on V3 to (R11 pull down to V-) then to (i/o A0) 2 Handle KB3 ULN2003 3 pen 12 < 5 CD4514 pen 8 3 from i/o A1 after RC presure up 4 from i/o A2 after RC presure down NB 3 and 4 used as signal to 2 relais over opposite diodes 5 Haert Beat in 6 serial in (TTL) 7 Serial out (TTL) 8 + 5V V+ 9 Ground V- 10 Power on , initial down by V5 and KB2 over keyboard switch , keep on After RC and T1 V6 from i/o A7 4 P3 key bip right side ULN2003 3 up from i/o A3 after RC key bip under V- 5 PKB Keyboard in (Reset , reset total ,On/off , presure + , presure - ) Connection placed on the front at the middle up 7/8 of the underside board numbering from richt to left 1 to 7 1 cathode V4 (to i/o A0)and cathode V5 (initial power on) 2 ON/OFF KB2 ULN2003 3 pen 13 < 4 CD4514 pen 10 3 return keys to i/o A0 ,anode V4 and anode V3 and R10 to V+ v4 from power on V3 to (R11 pull down to V-) then to (i/o A0) 4 Presure + KB4 ULN2003 3 pen 16 < 1 CD4514 pen 7 5 Presure - KB5 ULN2003 2 pen 16 < 1 CD4514 pen 6 6 Reset KB0 ULN2003 3 pen 15 < 2 CD4514 pen 11 7 Reset totaal KB1 ULN2003 3 pen 14 < 3 CD4514 pen 9