private static NetworkStream iStream; private static StringBuilder iCommandBuilder; private static bool iCommandFlush = true; private static int iTestSpeedL = 30; private static int iTestSpeedR = 30; private static Controller iController; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Looking for Xbox controller..."); iController = new Controller(UserIndex.One); if (iController.IsConnected) { Console.WriteLine("Xbox controller connected!"); } iCommandBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string lAvogadro = "provide your photon key"; string lToken = "provide your token"; string lMethodName = "connect"; string lUrl = @"" + lAvogadro + @"/" + lMethodName + "?access_token=" + lToken; int lPort = 13914; Console.WriteLine("Start listener..."); TcpListener lListener = new TcpListener(lPort); lListener.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Sending IP '" + GetOwnIP() + "'..."); WebClient lWebClient = new WebClient(); var lValues = new NameValueCollection(); lValues.Add("args", GetOwnIP() + "." + lPort.ToString()); lWebClient.UploadValues(lUrl, lValues); Console.Write("Waiting for a connection... "); TcpClient lClient = lListener.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Connected!"); iStream = lClient.GetStream(); int lAngle = 90; short lOldLeft = -10000; short lOldRight = -10000; bool lLed0 = false; bool lLed1 = false; bool lLed2 = false; bool lA = false; if (iController != null) { while (true) { var lState = iController.GetState(); var lLeft = lState.Gamepad.LeftThumbY; var lRight = lState.Gamepad.RightThumbY; Console.WriteLine("Left: " + lLeft + " - Right: " + lRight); if (Math.Abs(lOldLeft - lLeft) + Math.Abs(lOldRight - lRight) > 5000) { BeginCommand(); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoLeft, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(lLeft / 1000.0))); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoRight, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(lRight / 1000.0))); EndCommand(); lOldLeft = lLeft; lOldRight = lRight; } if (lState.Gamepad.LeftTrigger == 255 && !lLed0) { string lCommand = "L01#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed0 = true; } else if (lState.Gamepad.LeftTrigger == 0 && lLed0) { string lCommand = "L00#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed0 = false; } if (lState.Gamepad.RightTrigger == 255 && !lLed2) { string lCommand = "L21#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed2 = true; } else if (lState.Gamepad.RightTrigger == 0 && lLed2) { string lCommand = "L20#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed2 = false; } if (lState.Gamepad.Buttons == GamepadButtonFlags.A && !lA) { WriteCommand("L01#W100#L11#W100#L21#W100#L00#W100#L10#W100#L20#W100#" + "L21#W100#L11#W100#L01#W100#L20#W100#L10#W100#L00#W100#"); //lState.Gamepad.Buttons = GamepadButtonFlags.None; lA = true; } if (lState.Gamepad.Buttons != GamepadButtonFlags.A) { lA = false; } } } Console.WriteLine("Give input..."); var lKey = Console.ReadKey(); while (lKey.KeyChar != 'c') { if (lKey.KeyChar == 'a') { //WriteCommand("SR10#SL170#W300#SR90#SL90#"); BeginCommand(); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, 50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.Wait, 300); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, 0); EndCommand(); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'z') { //WriteCommand("SR170#SL10#W300#SR90#SL90#"); BeginCommand(); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, -50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.Wait, 300); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, 0); EndCommand(); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'o') { //WriteCommand("SR170#SL170#W100#SR90#SL90#"); BeginCommand(); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoLeft, -50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoRight, 50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.Wait, 300); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, 0); EndCommand(); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'p') { //WriteCommand("SR10#SL10#W100#SR90#SL90#"); BeginCommand(); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoLeft, 50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoRight, -50); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.Wait, 300); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoBoth, 0); EndCommand(); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == '3') { string lCommand = "L0"; if (lLed0) lCommand += "0#"; else lCommand += "1#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed0 = !lLed0; } else if (lKey.KeyChar == '2') { string lCommand = "L1"; if (lLed1) lCommand += "0#"; else lCommand += "1#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed1 = !lLed1; } else if (lKey.KeyChar == '1') { string lCommand = "L2"; if (lLed2) lCommand += "0#"; else lCommand += "1#"; WriteCommand(lCommand); lLed2 = !lLed2; } else if (lKey.KeyChar == '4') { WriteCommand("L01#W100#L11#W100#L21#W100#L00#W100#L10#W100#L20#W100#" + "L21#W100#L11#W100#L01#W100#L20#W100#L10#W100#L00#W100#"); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'h') { iTestSpeedR += 1; Console.WriteLine("TestspeedR " + iTestSpeedR.ToString()); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoRight, iTestSpeedR); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'n') { iTestSpeedR -= 1; Console.WriteLine("iTestSpeedR " + iTestSpeedR.ToString()); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoRight, iTestSpeedR); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'g') { iTestSpeedL += 1; Console.WriteLine("iTestSpeedL " + iTestSpeedL.ToString()); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoLeft, iTestSpeedL); } else if (lKey.KeyChar == 'b') { iTestSpeedL -= 1; Console.WriteLine("iTestSpeedL " + iTestSpeedL.ToString()); WriteCommand(ObjectEnum.ServoLeft, iTestSpeedL); } lKey = Console.ReadKey(); while (iStream.DataAvailable) { // Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes. Byte[] lDataBuffer = new Byte[256]; Int32 lBytes = iStream.Read(lDataBuffer, 0, lDataBuffer.Length); var lData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(lDataBuffer, 0, lBytes); Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", lData); } } // Close everything. iStream.Close(); lClient.Close(); } private static void EndCommand() { iCommandFlush = true; FlushCommand(); } private static void FlushCommand() { if (iCommandFlush) { Byte[] lD = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(iCommandBuilder.ToString()); iStream.Write(lD, 0, lD.Length); iCommandBuilder.Clear(); } } private static void BeginCommand() { iCommandFlush = false; } private static void WriteCommand(ObjectEnum pObject, int pValue) { switch (pObject) { case ObjectEnum.ServoLeft: WriteCommand("SL" + pValue.ToString()); break; case ObjectEnum.ServoRight: WriteCommand("SR" + pValue.ToString()); break; case ObjectEnum.ServoBoth: WriteCommand("SX" + pValue.ToString()); break; /*case ObjectEnum.Led0: case ObjectEnum.Led1: case ObjectEnum.Led2: */ case ObjectEnum.Wait: WriteCommand("W" + pValue.ToString()); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid command!"); } } private static float iSpeedZero = -1.0F; private static float iSpeedRange = 1.2F; private static float iDirectionZero = 0.02F; private static float iDirectionFactor = 10F; private static void WriteCommand(string pCommand) { if (iStream == null || !iStream.CanWrite) return; if (pCommand.EndsWith("#")) { iCommandBuilder.Append(pCommand); } else { iCommandBuilder.Append(pCommand + "#"); } FlushCommand(); } private static string GetOwnIP() { IPHostEntry host; host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress ip in host.AddressList) { if (ip.AddressFamily.ToString() == "InterNetwork") { return ip.ToString(); } } return null; }