20170804 BuildInstruction1.pdf Step-by-Step Instruction "How to make Differential Dynamometr" DifDin4_Nano_LED.JPG Schematics of DifDyn with LED 4x4 Digit 7-element Display DifDin4_Uno_LCD_Engl00.JPG Schematics of DifDyn with LCD 2x16 Display DifDinLCD.ino Arduino IDE code for DifDyn with LCD Display DifDinLED.ino Arduino IDE code for DifDyn with LED Display DifDinRu.zip - ZIPped files of screen visualizer for Win. Freeware DifDyn4LED.spl7 Schematics of DifDyn with LED Display ifn SPlan 7.0 format t2.hex binary code for atmega 328 pu microcontroller for DidDyn with LED Display. Need no boot.