; JED2EQN -- JEDEC file to Boolean Equations disassembler (Version V063) ; Copyright (c) National Semiconductor Corporation 1990-1993 ; Disassembled from J070-U10.jed. Date: 2022-05-28 ;$GALMODE REGISTERED ; ; Initial analysis: not tested yet! ; chip J070-U10 GAL16V8 ; ; microprocessor clock stretcher and synchroniser ; CLK = 1 /PTM = 2 ; Programmable Timer Module /STE = 3 ; STEbus AVM = 4 ; Advanced VMA signal T1 = 5 RESP = 6 ; from U13 pin 4. == DATACK or TRFERR BA = 7 ; from MPU BS = 8 ; from MPU /RST = 9 ; Reset GND = 10 /OE = 11 ; permanently grounded! /ENDR = 12 ; Enable Drive of STEbus buffers E = 13 ; Constant frequency E to I/O devices for timing. Q = 14 ; Constant frequency Q, I am guessing EM = 15 ; E to MPU QM = 16 ; Q to MPU CS = 17 ; Active High. For UART and PTM RESP_LATCHED = 18 /VMA = 19 ; actual VMA signal VCC = 20 @ues 0000000000000000 @ptd unused equations VMA = AVM * /EM * /QM + VMA * EM + VMA * QM * /BA /RESP_LATCHED := /RESP /CS := /RST * PTM * /Q * /E * /QM * EM + /RST * /CS * Q * /E + /RST * /CS * Q * E ; ; I think the two lines above above could be reduced to ; ; + /RST * /CS * Q ; ; E is a constant frequency to drive the UART and PTM chips. ; E becomes Q ; Q becomes not E ; /E := /Q * E + /Q * /E /Q := Q * E + /Q * E ; ; I think the two equations above could be reduced to ; ; /E := /Q ; /Q := E ; ; ; QM and EM are the stretched clocks for the microprocessor. ; ; /QM := QM * EM + /QM * EM ; ; I think the equation above could be reduced to ; ; /QM := EM ; ; Things get tricky for clock stretching. ; ; EM becomes QM if no stretching, or stretching complete. ; It ends stretching when: ; - not a valid memory cycle ; - not STEbus and not PTM ; - has STEbus timout ; - the STEbus has responded (with DATACK or TRFERR) ; - synchronising with the constant-frequency E and Q for I/O chip ; /EM := /QM * EM * /VMA + /QM * EM * /STE * /PTM + /QM * EM * T1 + /QM * EM * STE * /RESP_LATCHED + /QM * /EM + /QM * EM * PTM * /CS * /Q * E ; ; Enable STEbus buffers: ; ENDR = /QM * EM * STE * /RST * VMA * /BA + /QM * EM * STE * /RST * VMA * /BS ; ; All outputs are enabled, either by default or by OE tied active. ; /VMA.oe = vcc RESP_LATCHED.oe = OE CS.oe = OE QM.oe = OE EM.oe = OE Q.oe = OE E.oe = OE /ENDR.oe = vcc